chapter 3

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I'm Demi."

I froze. I knew very well what 'Demi' meant. I knew I was talking to my idol. One of the people that has helped me so much. A major person in my life. I was talking to her.

"Uh-h, yeah, um, nice to meet you Demi!" I stuttered. Damn, Allyson, bow you've gone making a fool of yourself in front of Demi Lovato.

"Great to meet you to, Ally. I can call you that, right? Thank you for helping me. I don't know what I'd do if you hadn't." Demi spoke. Her voice is so beautiful in person.. ALLYSON! Chill!

"Yeah, Ally's fine! Its no problem, believe me. I don't need a beautiful girl like you to be hurt!" I responded.

Oh my god, was I just flirting? I can't flirt with Demi, she's Demi! Plus, I'm over a hundred percent positive she's straight. She's so beautiful, I love her so much.

I look back up at Demi, and notice her blushing! Did I just make Demi blush?!

"Ah! Look at you making me blush and shit! Well thank you, I appreciate it. Hey, I got to go, I'm sorry! But here's my number, text me later tonight, yeah?"

Did Demi really just give me her number?!

We exchanged numbers and promised to call each other later in the day, or maybe tomorrow.

I jogged back to Mariah and we both decided to head home.

Mariah dropped me off, and I walked in my house, looking for my sister.

Today, I acted completely different. This is not who I am. I don't flirt with girls, even less Demi Lovato. I'm not like that.

My sister was sleeping in her room so I decided to read more of Edgar Allan Poe's work.

I love his style of writing. Its absolutely moving. So many people would used to say it was too dark, too dreary. Though that is what I love about it. I love it if a writer can capture you in a story. The story has an essence that I enjoy. I wish to do that one day, move people.

Writing has also been a huge distraction. When my father had left, I spend all of my days writing about God knows what. It has changed me as a person, and I know I'm never going back.

Thats when I heard it, the trickling of rain on my windows. I loved this weather. Its beautiful, if you will. I will always enjoy the beautiful rain that we get. I live in California, and recently we had been getting lodes of rain. I'm not complaining though, its wonderful.

I wondered about Demi. How I just so happened to help her, not the other way around. I had hoped she would call me, or I her. Shes a huge inspiration of mine, for many reasons.

I've probably never mentioned this, but if you can't tell, I like girls. Always have, always will. I can't tell you why, I just do.

I had a girlfriend. My first girlfriend. I'm 18, by the way, my parents put me in school a year late. I'm graduating this year as well.

Back to my girlfriend. Her name is Elena, and I was 15 years old. I fell in love with the way she looked at me. Making me feel like the only person in the room, was indeed her.

We dated until three months ago, I'm not up to talk about why. Lets just say, I'm better without her.


Chapter 4 at 300 reads and 5 votes! I still have to write it!

Twitter: @dollhouselovato

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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