The First Scream

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"Kuhu!" Jug exclaimed as Kuhu came through his door right on time for her third appointment. "Take a seat!"

He really shouldn't think this let alone admit it but Kuhu was becoming a fast favourite patient of his. She wasn't irrationally stubborn against his advice like some of his other patients, she listened and he could actually see the clogs turning in her brain when he would give out his little anecdotes of wisdom. All of this showed him that she really did want to be better. And that made his job all the more easier. He was confused though. He wasn't saying anything that she didn't know herself. He was just listening. Tiny frown lines appeared on his forehead as he thought if maybe that was missing from her life - someone who could listen to her exclusively without any judgement. Maybe he should bring that up... He was brought out of his thoughts by her voice.

"So how was your week, doc?" Kuhu asked, having already taken her usual seat on the couch.

Jug smiled. "Isn't that my line?"

"Come on! I'm telling you my life story, can't you give away your 'week story'?" she challenged.

"Ok ok," he relented, shaking his head at her triumphant smile at getting what she wanted. "Obviously I had other patients but during my free time, I went hiking at that nearby nature trail leading to the mountains, camped there overnight and then came back. After that, I was preparing for my lovely patients again."

"By yourself?" Kuhu asked in shock.

He nodded.

"Weren't you lonely?" Kuhu pressed on.

Jug smiled with a serene look on his handsome face.

"Loneliness is subjective. Someone can be all by themselves and not feel lonely - like me. In the same way, someone can be surrounded by many people and feel so alone."

"Like me." Kuhu continued softly. "Not all the time, but sometimes."

Jug watched her as she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and recalled her week.

"This weekend, Abir bro and Kunal organised this elaborate surprise for Mishti and I. They got us to a wonderful resort to spend some quality time but again, it all came crashing down. Kunal was called back for some business, Mishti and I got into an argument again and so we all left but Mishti stayed back. Because of that, Abir bro was upset. You should have seen his face - it was so down. My heart broke for him! You know, whatever happens between Mishti and I, it seems like Abir bro is suffering the most."

"Do you feel responsible?" Jug asked cautiously.

"No!" Kuhu said firmly and indignantly. "It was all Mishti. I mean, the problem was between me and her so why was she taking it out on Abir bro? She could have just come back like how Abir bro obviously wanted her to. I mean, they're husband and wife!"

Jug hummed non-committally.

"But," Kuhu continued quietly, "Abir bro did say something about whether I own up to my mistakes."

Jug looked up and asked, "did that make you upset at him?"

"Not at all!" Kuhu argued. "Nothing Abir bro can say or do can upset me. He has a right to call me out on my crap just like I have a right to do the same to him. We have an understanding that I wouldn't change for the world! He's like my big brother."

She sighed.

"But it did make me upset that I had a hand - however small - in him feeling low. He always seems to get caught in the middle."

"What do you mean by always?" Jug inquired. "Has it happened before?"

Kuhu screwed her eyes shut like she was in pain.

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