The First Confrontation

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"Feeling better?" Jug asked as they strolled slowly down the street back to the practice.

Kuhu had screamed until her throat was sore. There was definitely a lot of anger in her. By the time she had stopped screaming, she was kicking at the ground and stomping before sinking to her knees, breathing heavily. Jug didn't dare move from where he was sitting on the bench a few strides behind her. However he had kept his eyes trained on her. He had seen her shoulders start to shake. He let her sob quietly looking both proudly and sympathetically at her.

"Kinda." Kuhu replied shortly with a small smile, wrapping her arms around herself. "I think it's time to let Mishti go. I think it's time to pretend she doesn't exist."

There was no anger in her voice anymore. Just serenity.

They carried on their walk in a comfortable silence. As they turned the corner onto the main road on which the practice was located, Kuhu caught sight of a gola stall. Her smile brightened, lighting up her whole face and she turned towards Jug expectantly.

"What say, doc?" she said, raising her eyebrows. "My treat!"

"Ugh, fine!" he replied exaggeratedly, shaking his head hiding a smile. "And it's gonna have to be your treat 'cause I forgot my wallet!"

"And that is why you always keep change in your pocket!" she exclaimed, waving the notes in his face before turning towards the stall while he followed with a relieved smile at her open laughter.

They ate the golas in silence trying not to get the juice everywhere.



"What's your favourite quote?"

Jug turned towards her in surprise.

"What? So you can make me cry and scream and spill my guts about everything but I can't ask you a simple question?" she retorted good-naturedly.

Jug chuckled. "Theres nothing simple about this question. Your favourite quote can tell you a lot about a person."

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!" she bargained cheekily.

"Ok," he gave in, as per usual. "It's 'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing' by Edmund Burke."

There was silence as the depth of the quote sank in.

"It's why I became a doctor," he continued. "I don't want to do nothing."

"Does that make me the evil then?" Kuhu asked.

"Oh my goodness! NO!" Jug exclaimed, trying to backtrack. "That is not what I meant at all. I swear! I just meant that I wanted to do something worthwhile. I didn't mean that you..."

He stopped as he heard Kuhu's peals of laughter. She was doubled over, trying to catch her breath. She was on the verge of crying - the happy kind, this time. He squinted his eyes at her.

"I was joking!" she cleared when she could talk again. "But you getting all scared and trying to explain yourself - that was the funniest thing I've seen!"

Jug shook his head at her and carried on eating his gola.

"You're succeeding by the way," Kuhu continued softly, making Jug look up at her. "Before, I used to be scared about coming to therapy. I used to feel anxious. But now, I look forward to coming to you. I don't think you realise how much you have helped me these last few weeks. I feel lighter when I leave each session. You're definitely doing something. And Jug, you're definitely a good man."

Jab Kuhu Met JugWhere stories live. Discover now