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Yn novis.

Yn novis

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The pupil is black

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The pupil is black.

The pupil is black

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Clothes. Pants in the picture.
Volt weapon: an unlimited arsenal that is only limited by your imagination and can even use gravity and physics as a weapon. Basically the dream great grandchild of Kiba yuto, hashirama senju, Madara Uchiha, and shirou emiya with a bit of op-roids and tragic backstory thrown in.

Race: human Nova siren hybrid.

Back story: you and twenty four others were kidnapped by the novas then experimented on with only six of you surviving the whole ordeal and kept your humanity while one betrayed and left the rest of you for dead before leaving with the novas. In the years following with some therapy you manage to get over it or so your thought the therapist later diagnosed you with PTSD and in middle school you met a wonderful girl before she sadly had to move away. However when you were walking home from school a Nova attacked triggering the bomb that was your wrath and in just ten seconds you ripped and teared it until it was no more. Now fate is paving the way for a new slayer, a new guardian, a new avenger, and a new reaper of their sins.................... you. This is the testament of your legend the ashes from which you rise for your birth and legend were prophesized by the ancients hunter.



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