Paul Words

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Aside from their uses with just their names in certain situations, each Beatle has their own words that incorporate their names. That probably wasn't a pol Linda explanation, but you'll see what I mean:

Wonderful= Wonderpaul

"I had a wonderpaul day!"

Beautiful= Beautipaul

"Paul McCartney is so beautipaul."

Awful= Awfpaul

"The cookies tasted awfpaul."

Terrible= Terripaul

"He had a terripaul idea."

Horrible= Horripaul

"She looked horripaul in the dress."

Perfect= Paulfect

"The Beatles are paulfect in every way."

Hilarious= Paularious

"Her joke was paularious!"

Awesome= Paulsome

"That was a paulsome movie!"

Police= Paulice

"The paulice are on their way."

Disqualified= Dispaulified

"He was dispaulified from the show for cheating."

Apologize/Apology= Apaulogize/Apaulogy

"Do you accept my apaulogy?"

Facepalm= Facepaulm (ta, Kaitlyn_Lennon !)

"I gave a facepaulm to my friend after she said something insane."

Fantastic= Paultastic (ta, Ringo_McLennison !)

"The drawing was paultastic!"

Amaccazing= Amazing

"That song is amaccazing!"

Maccaroni= Macaroni

"I ate maccaroni and cheese for dinner."

Heart= McCartney

"I love you with all of my McCartney." (I was inspired off of something I saw on Etsy for this so maybe it doesn't sound right but it's cute so just go with it, ok?)

Optimistic/Optimist= Paulimistic/Paulimist

"I am an eternal paulimist."

(Paul, using the quote that Paul said for this, just adding Beatlese to it) 😊

Co-creators, feel free to add your own! This list needs to expand! (We'll be doing the same thing with the other Beatles, so you can think about that too as I actually don't have too many for them)

New co-creators are always welcome 😉

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