Chapter 6

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Once Celestia had stopped her steady stream of tears, Schlesinger crouched down in front of her. “I need a way to get back to Ponyville quickly.” He said. “I need to deliver orders to my men and pick a squad for the raid to rescue your sister.”

“I’ll send for a carriage.” Celestia said, summoning a piece of paper and a quill, scribbling something and then making it vanish again. “It will be in the main courtyard in 5 minutes.”

Schlesinger nodded. “Captain Schmitt, Lieutenant Krous. Remain here and monitor the situation. If the griffons make any kind of offensive movement, report it immediately.” He headed for the door and looked back at Celestia. “I suggest we keep this to ourselves, rumors of an oncoming war will frighten the population. Everyone in this room must be sworn to silence. You should also call a meeting with the leaders of any allied powers in the region, so they are present when we reveal the griffon treachery.”

“Yes.” Celestia said. “I shall. I shall also order Equestria’s military to move north and entrench itself just behind the border. If nothing else, it may act as a deterrent for griffon military incursions.” 

Schlesinger nodded. “I will take my leave now, ma’am.” He headed for the door.

“I must go and comfort my student.” Celestia said, also standing. “Seeing me like that must have been hard for her.”

Once outside, Flash Sentry met him at the door. “Is it true sir? Are we really going to war?”

“No.” Schlesinger said. “At least not yet. Keep it to yourself, the last thing we need is spies finding out. Are you to take me to my carriage.”

“Yes sir.” Flash said. “It’s waiting in the courtyard.”

“Lead on then.”

As Flash lead Schlesinger out of the castle a door opened and a tall white unicorn stepped out and walked straight into Schlesinger, then dramatically fell on his rump.

“How dare you walk into me you filthy...” The unicorn started, then Schlesinger slammed the door in his face.

“Don’t have time for that.” He said, hearing the unicorn continue his tirade behind the door. “Lead on Flash.”

Flash winced. “You probably shouldn’t have done that, as much as most ponies will approve.”

“Why? Who was he?” Schelsinger asked.

“Prince Blueblood.” Flash said. “He’s petty and annoying and can cause you no end of trouble if he wants to.”

“Please, I’m a soldier. Petty politicians don’t bother me.” Schlesinger said.

“Very well sir.” Flash lead Schlesinger down into the castle forecourt where a carriage pulled by two Pegasi was already waiting. Schlesinger climbed into the back while Flash stood aside.

“Inform the Princess I will be returning with troops and will need another carriage.” He said to Flash.

“Yes sir.” Said Flash, who then turned and headed back into the castle.

“Please hold on sir.” Said one of the Pegasi pulling the carriage. “We’ve been instructed to get you to Ponyville post haste.”

“Very well.” Schlesinger grabbed one of the side railings and held on. The two pegasi started to trot before breaking into gallop and spreading their wings. The carriage slowly lifted off the ground and up over the castle ramparts.

The carriage thundered over Ponyville about half an hour later where it was met by Rainbow Dash. “Most of your soldiers are at Sweet Apple Acres.” She called over, before drop kicking a cloud almost straight up.

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