7. Lucky Girl

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"Can you guys not talk about how pitiful my love life is right in front of me?" I groan without lifting up my head.

"We wouldn't have anything to talk about if you stopped torturing yourself and gave up," James comments. "You know, this brat has snuck into a billion private events and learned a billion different trades just to get this guy's attention."

"Like parties?"

"I'm talking gambling rings, family dinners, concerts, she's been begging to even get a job here! She knows how to play like five different instruments because of this idiot."

" Just how great is this guy? I only need a person to play three different instruments." A laugh rumbles above you.

I turn to face the imposing man. He's surprisingly easy on the eyes upon my second look. "It's not about good or bad. I love him and that's that. What more do you need?" A scowl sets in on my face. "And James, you have no right to criticize me. You do nothing but drift from job to job since last year. That's stupid. You can dance in a fucking wheelchair."

"Stupid girl," James repeats with a roll of his eyes. "I'm trying to help you. Levi Ackerman is never going to return your feelings. If you give up, you won't hurt as much anymore."

The man nearly chokes on his drink. "Levi Ackerman? Oh shit," he starts to laugh. "Man, he's always running around with those little weird girls. The meek and bookish ones. He really doesn't know what he's missing if you're obsessed."

"I feel bad for him," I admit. "None of the girls he's with ever really love him. If they did, maybe I would be able to finally give up."

The man gives me a reassuring rub on the back. Despite him being a stranger, the notion is oddly comforting at the same time as weird. "I think I'll be able to help both of us," the man smiles lightly. "Here's my business card, drop by when you have a chance."

The man slips out of the chair and I pick up his card. As he leaves, it nearly falls from between my fingers. Kenny Ackerman. Levi's uncle and the ex-head of the Ackerman family.

"So, do you wear perfume to attract strange and powerful men, or do you use witchcraft? I'm curious." James replied snarkily after reading it as well.

"So, you haven't given up yet, have you?" James puts his arms behind his head as he leans back in his chair. A cheeky smile paints his chocolate brown features and anticipation glints in his dark eyes.

"Is that even a question?" I shoot back with a sneer. "I just got a huge leg-up."

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