Chapter One "Prologue "

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Nothing, is what I felt for this world. Absolutely nothing, walking through these empty red halls keeps giving me terrible memories, I was a fool to trust him but what can I say if I could of told the future I would of banished or even killed him before he had a chance to break me but I was so naive he made me feel like I belonged to someone but it's really nice to remember the past and reflect on what he said to me that day.. That horrid day

"I just have to wait when the clock hits three I can final see if Satan is as bad as the Bible say... This is a mistake I really hope this doesn't work so I don't get murdered... " I softly sigh looking at the clock.

I haven't seen my parents in years ever since they went on their "trip" the police discovered that they went completely missing and have no leads on finding them so they gave up within the ninth month on new year's Day making it a year, why didn't the police stop earlier well you see when your the daughter of a very popular priest of a town that only alouds Christians and other religions that have the same God as yours and same traditions and word gets around that Father Golden and his angel of a wife is missing.

Then you can image the type of hell the town went through.

But that is certainly enough monologuing it's three o clock its time.

"I call the name of Alastor the chaotic radio demon of hell I wish him for him to appear so he can help me with the search of my Mother and Father.!" I spoke out as I watch the candles turn red then go out.

A eerie radio static played within my mind it got louder, and louder, and louder til it stopped, and when it stopped the candles lit up again but stood within the circle of candles was a grey skinny deer demon who was tall and looked really old, he looked like he come from the semi late 1900's. It looked like all he ever wore was red even his hair was red he looked... Edgy as what people say in normal towns.

I watched this demon look at me insanely and menacingly he then tilt his neck to the side as it cracked, holy crap he just broke his neck and he doesn't care.

I'm so screwed, as long as he doesn't speak or at least not try to kill me I'll be fin-

"Hello.... Darling ~" Spoke the demon well, Alastor since I did say his name while summoning him so I should be polite to him and not just flat out call him a demon even though he is one.

"H-H-Hello" I squeaked out I was kinda scared scratch that really scared I summoned a demon I went against everything in the Holy book, what would Father and Mother think if I ever find them and they saw this I would of disappointed them they would punish me for sure.

"Well aren't you going to introduce yourself dear that isn't really polite if you ask me since you have summoned me I could of killed you in a instant but you interest me so I'll give you a chance!" Alastor chirped up.

He sounded like a radio, a very old radio. That's pretty... interesting I think.

"M-My name is Y/n L/n and I have summoned you in hopes you could help me find out where my parents in return you can have my soul so I could go to hell when I die" I spoke with a bit of confidence.

Who was I kidding I was showing more fear than whenever a spider appears out of nowhere than disappears and you are stuck to wonder where the actual fu- flip it went.

That's exactly what I was feeling I don't know if I pleased him or what I just wanna find Mother and Father even if they do not treat me right I love them and they have given me a lot of opportunities in life.

"Well dear I think that's a wonderful deal! All you gotta do is shake my hand and I'll tell you what's apart of making a deal with me" Alastor spoke in a serious and demonic voice that he tunes in and out even more.

I watched as Alastor took out his hand and it started to be surrounded by green flames.

"I'm sorry Mother and Father but I must find out if your alive or not " I softly mumbled as I took the sinner's hand and shook it.

What have I done....


Ok listen up You trees XD lmao please do not comment saying something about the religions.  You can make jokes and if you have any criticism let me know while uploading I'm going to do some research about other religions and if a priest can be apart of multi religions or something if you know then please LET ME know so I can correct myself if needed if there are any grammar mistakes correct me and I'll fix them immediately I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the remake author Chan Desk is out!

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