Target Practice

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~There is a thin line between what is good and what is evil and

I will tiptoe down that line, but I will feel unstable

My life is a circus and I am tripping down that tightrope

Well, there is nothing to save me now, so I will not look down~

~Papa Roach~

Joker left me standing there while he talked with the man in charge of this place. I looked at the weapons on the walls, it was like a candy store for criminals. There were guns ranging from small hand guns that could fit in my palm to large machine gun style guns. I was absolutely sure I would not be firing a machine gun.

It only took a few minutes for the man to start getting smaller hand guns down and making a pile in a table. Joker watched the pile grow and then moved back to me.

"You ready to shoot these?" he asked.

"Here?" I really didn't want to shoot anything.

"There is a range in the back. Lets go." he grabbed my hand and started to walk to a big black door.

The man who had been picking out the guns was walking behind us with the guns and ammo in a box. Joker moved through the door and led us through a long hallway. I could feel the nervous energy moving through me. We stopped at a large red door and He turned back to me.

"It will just be me and you in here, so, relax." he said.

He pushed open the door and let the man with the box walk through, he dropped the box on a long table and left. Joker nudged me inside and closed the door behind us, engaging the locks. I let my shoulders relax and watched him as he moved to the table.

He was in his element, the smooth fluid movements as he laid out each gun, after removing the clips. Once they were laid out, he pulled out the boxes of ammo and set them next to each one. He rummaged through the box, chuckling to himself then moved it all out of the way.

"Come here Bree." he said.

I reluctantly moved to where he was, making sure to glance into the box to see what he had thought was so funny. I frowned as I noticed the protective gear, large noise canceling head phones and glasses. I guessed he wasn't worried about 'safety'.

"No need for all of that." he waved towards the box when he saw me looking.

I stepped up to the table, he pulled me to the first gun. It was rather small.

"This, is a .22 you wont be getting this one, its just to warm you up" He pointed to the smallest gun on the table.

I was confused. "Why can't I use the .22?"

He smiled at me, "Because, if you needed to shoot the people we will be around, and you use that," he pointed again. "You will likely just piss them off."

I almost blurted that I didn't plan on shooting anyone so it wouldn't really matter, but stopped myself. I knew better than to make a statement that would seem like a challenge to him.

He opened the box of ammo and handed it to me. "Fill the clip." he said.

I looked at him then turned to the empty clip. I picked it up from the table and set the box of bullets down. I plucked a few of them from the box and was surprised how hard I had to push down to get them all in there. It only took a few minutes and I had it full.

"Good. Now pick up the gun." He said.

Now I was nervous, I tried to keep my hand from shaking as I reached for the small gun. It was very light, the surprise must have show on my face.

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