Chapter 3

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Clover stared up at the giant castle. He couldn't believe that this was where Turnip Head wanted him to stay. But as he looked around for a different building to stay dry in, he saw none. Clover sighed and began to run as fast as his old body would let him go, trying to catch up to the moving castle. Turnip Head seemed to pick Clover up and bounced him to the door, where he jumped in. 

Clover walked up a small flight of stairs and into the main room of the "castle," which was empty of people. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, dishes piled everywhere, cobwebs in every corner. On one side of the room was a fireplace, with a nice bright fire sitting in the hearth. Clover made his way over to it and sat down in a chair right in front of the fire. 

The warmth seeped through his cold, wet body, bringing him instant relief. He sat there for a minute and closed his eyes, beginning to fall asleep.

"I don't envy you, man. That's one nasty curse you have there. Gonna be hard to get rid of that one." Clover was startled back awake a few seconds later by a voice he hadn't heard before. He looked around the room, but it was empty.

"Over here." Clover looked at the fireplace and saw the flames, which seemed to have a face.  Clover practically jumped out of his seat in fright.

"What are you?" He asked the flames.

"Name's Yang, I'm a scary fire demon." Yang did something with her flames, making it bigger and slightly scarier. "Let me guess, the curse doesn't allow you to talk about it?" She asked.

"You're a fire demon?" Clover pressed. "Then you should be able to break my curse, right?"

The fire seemed to shrug her shoulders. "Maybe, maybe not..." 

Clover leaned back into the chair, disappointed.

Yang seemed to pick up on his disappointment. "I tell you what, if you can find a way to break the spell on me, I'll break the spell that's on you." 

Clover eyed the fire. "If you're a demon, how do I know I can trust you? You promise to help me if I help you?" 

"I don't know, demons don't make promises." Clover slumped back into the chair, disappointed once more.

"Then go find someone else to break your spell," He mumbled.  

"Come on, you gotta feel sorry for me! This stupid spell keeps me trapped in this castle and Qrow basically treats me like his slave. I'm always heating up water, warming up the rooms, and moving the castle. It's a lot of work, very tiring." 

"Wow," Clover said sarcastically, not caring at all. "That's rough." 

"Have you ever tried moving a castle, I don't think so." Yang sighed. "If you figure out how to break this thing I'm in with Qrow, then you break my spell. Once I'm free, I'll be able to easily break your curse. Sound good?"

Clover, half asleep, mumbled, "Fine, you got yourself a deal." 

Yang was so excited, sparks began to fly from her, but she quickly calmed herself. When she looked over at the man in front of her, she realized that he had fallen asleep in a matter of seconds. She decided to let the poor old man rest, since traveling to the waste was not an easy task.


Sun seeped in from the dusty windows. Morning had arrived. Though it was still raining, it wasn't as bad as it had been the night before. 

A young girl, probably twelve years old, hops down the stairs of Qrow's castle, two at a time. Her dark black hair, with ruby red streaks bounces in time. She runs into the main room, stopping when she sees an old man sleeping in front of the fire. 

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