Chapter 7

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"It's a pleasure to see you again Qrow," Madame Winter said.

"You're looking good Madame Winter." Qrow took Clover's hand and pulled him closer. 

"Rather weak disguise. I thought I taught you better." 

"I'm not trying to trick you. I just came when I was summoned, I kept my oath. Now, if you'll excuse us, 'father' dear and I should be going." Madame Winter smirked when Qrow said the word "father," indicating that she would not believe any lie Qrow tried to tell her. 

"Oh, but I think you should stay," Madame Winter said, holding out her staff. "I think it's time your 'father' saw who you really are." She slammed her staff down on the ground and the room began to grow dark.

Spirits that seemed to be made of light appeared in a circle around Qrow and Clover, blocking any path of escape from the sides. The light spirits began chanting in a language that Clover did not recognize, probably an ancient magic language. Madame Winter did not leave her chair, but instead watched Qrow's face, waiting for him to make his move.

From next to Clover, Qrow began to transform using his magic. Clover was startled for a moment, as he watched the wizard grow black feathers like a crow. 

Clover put his arms in front of Qrow to keep him for charging at Madame Winter. "Qrow, no! It's a trap!" Clover shouted to make himself heard over the chanting of the spirits, which was growing louder by the second. Qrow stopped and looked at Clover, they're eyes meeting for a split second. Qrow nodded, understanding that Clover was saving him. 

Then quite suddenly, as the spirits were getting closer and louder, Qrow wrapped his arms around Clover and shot up into the air, using his new crow wings to fly. They went straight through the glass roof, shattering it into a million pieces, the fragments falling to where they were standing only seconds before.

Clover looked down at Madame Winter, who sat in her seat, unmoving, staring up at the hole in her greenhouse. Clover thought he saw her smile, but he couldn't tell for sure from all the way up in the air. 

Then it struck him, he was in the air, with no ground under his feet. He began to panic, and flail around, but Qrow, who was still in a sort of bird form, held onto him tightly.

"It's just like the day we met, you got to stay calm!" Qrow yelled. So Qrow knew who Clover was, even though he was now an old man. Clover followed the wizard's instructions, stretching out his legs and walking on the air. 

They landed on one of the royal air bikes, Clover practically throwing himself into the back seat. In his terror, he hadn't noticed the two figures who had grabbed onto his legs when Qrow had flown up. Raven and the dog, Marrow, hung onto him for dear life.

"Did you have to bring those two?" Qrow asked, indicating to the two stowaways.

Raven tried to stand up when she heard her younger brother's voice, probably to fight him, but collapsed down into Clover's arms. She was still to weak to hold herself up. Marrow jumped up into Raven's lap, cuddling close to keep from falling off of the air bike. 

"Well, I guess we can't just toss them," Qrow joked. Clover couldn't help but smile, even though he knew that this wasn't the best time to be joking around. 

He heard the sound of more air bikes taking off of the ground and following them. Qrow stood up from the front seat and turned to Clover, hands still on the wheel.

"Come and take my place!" Qrow shouted over the roaring wind.

"Are you crazy? You don't want me to drive this thing, do you?" Clover asked. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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