Chapter 2

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"What do you think about it?", I asked her carefully over the phone.

"Does it even matter? I'm sure you already did it.", her voice sounded snotty. I let a hearty laugh out. That was such a typical reaction.

"Kim Mina are you really laughing right now?", she asked annoyed. My head shrugging, I tried to stop my laughter even though she couldn't see me, "You're such an asshole."

"I'm sorry, Yongsun—ah."

"So, I was right?"

It took me some seconds to give her a serious answer, "Yeah, you are."

I heard a sigh at the other side signaling me that this was too much to handle for her. What was I even expecting? That she would be happy with my reckless behavior? I didn't think so.

"To be exact, I am heading there right now.", I added shamelessly.

"How do you do this?", she asked me suddenly. I blinked confused. Not so far away I could already see the silhouette of the building. The weather was still cold, but it was bearable. Nothing I wasn't used to.

"What do you mean?"

It took her some seconds to give me an answer, "Not being afraid of this. Of such a huge responsibility. I mean, this could turn out reeeeeally bad and you're still able to laugh like nothing was on the line. This could be the end of your career; you could lose so much because of your wrongheaded decision. So how can you stay this calm?"

She sounded distressed. For a moment I felt bad, because not I was worried for my behalf, it was her who did that for me. I smiled, realizing that Solar was indeed my best friend.

"Aren't you exaggerating right now? A lot of people change their company.", I tried to sooth her, so she could stop worrying herself.

"I don't understand the reason you would want to leave YG. You never really complained about your contract or something similar. You even have it better than most of us. So, tell me again, what is your reason to decide this? And how the hell did you even managed all of this?"

"I felt like it. Maybe I just want to drive my car finally.", I said jokingly, referring to the ban to use any vehicles by yourself under YG.

"Stop joking."

"But I made you smile, right?", I grinned because I knew exactly that I did.

"You wish.", she sounded annoyed, "Does anyone know about this?"

"No. You're the first person I told it. I didn't even tell Junhoe. I'm afraid, he would flip out."

"He definitely will. You should tell him before you transfer."

I laughed awkwardly as I stood in front of the building. There were some security guys in a black suit standing right next to the main gate.

Aren't they freezing without a jacket? It's fucking spring.

"Wait... Don't tell me you mean by heading there that you are transferring as in right now!?", she almost screamed in my ear. I winced at her loud voice.

"I need to go now, Solar. I will talk to you later~.", before she was able to say something, I already hung up on her. A last glance at the whole building as I started to make my way inside and start a new chapter of my life.


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