Bug Tunnel

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Aasith shifted her weight and felt rubble roll off her back; she tested her legs and then moved, slowly.

                “I’m glad you’ve come round” Thorne said, she looked around, she’d heard the voice very close but couldn’t see anything in the darkness, she blinked in a precise pattern looking to the top right, but nothing happened no light came on or infrared filter drop down.

                “Sir?” Aasith said with a cracked dry voice

                “I’m about fifty meters from your location, the tunnel collapsed in places. Everyone except myself and now you are unconscious.” Thorne said

                “My visor is damaged, I can’t see” Aasith said her fingers tracing the faceplate and the large crack down the screen.

                “Your comm. system is down to, I’m talking to you telepathically, I apologise for the intrusion but it seemed pertinent.” Thorne said

                “No need to apologise sir, this is combat.” Aasith began to stand but waivered part way up and dropped back to her knees as her head swam.

                “Stay low; I can feel what is around you. I need you to move two paces to your left, I believe Oakham is there. I need you to check him for injuries and check is bio-reader, he seems really feint to me.

                “Yes sir.” Aasith moved slowly on her hands and knees, sweeping the floor with her hand until she felt the familiar smooth metal of a power suit. She traced her gloved hands over the armour feeling no breaks, his limbs seemed to be in the correct place, his armour had held him together, she felt around moved the larger rocks in the way and rolled him over, wiping the readout screen she could see his main details, pulse, blood pressure, breathing rate,  bioelectric levels, brain waves. “Everything seems normal just feint” Aasith said, the feint illumination from the reader casting a green glow exposing the tunnelled walls and debris.

                “Click to the next screen what does the adrenaline and endorphin levels read?”

                “Normal, they are both green I have no idea what any of these figures mean, we need Eastre” Aasith replied

                “Not available at the moment. Stay calm, Medb is coming round, I will send her to your position.” Thorne said. Aasith squatted down next to the sergeant, her head was beginning to clear, less fuzzy than before, she was wondering when her eyes would begin to adjust to the dark when a blinding white light shone into them. She snapped her pistol from its holster and aimed, instinct and muscles memory responding to a possible threat.

                “Easy girl, it’s just me” Medb said, the sounds of scraping armour and sliding rock followed as she began to move from her position.

                “You know better than to scare me” Aasith said feeling more herself with the pistols grip in her hand.

                “Steady both you, more of the unit is coming round, I will be in and out of contact with you, most comm. systems are down. Use Medb’s light to check Oakham once more and then begin to bring him to me, don’t forget your weapons.” Thorne said

                “Don’t forget your weapons who does he think he is? Mines strapped to me as al...” Medb stopped short she felt for the rocket launcher and it wasn’t there.

                “He thinks he’s in command and he knows more than we do, which he just proved.” Aasith mocked as she felt for her own rifle still strapped to her. After a few moments of crashing rocks and the beam of light flashing from side to side, it disappeared for a moment to return to be pointed at Aasith and the prone Oakham, Medb returned with her rocket launcher in hand.

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