Part 2: Friends and Enemies

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There was an uneasy feeling not just on Oufrduna, but also on Earth as well. Some of the delegates see this Republic as a corrupted government; this government does not certainly function as it once had. There is absolutely no prosperity and order in the government. This caused an internal turmoil for Lydia (for reasons, still a mystery), as well; some citizens are calling her a "dictator," because she was turning into one, actually. But, she could clearly sense a plot of removing her from office. So, she sent her personal agents, or ĕjento, to snoop through the other Council Member's offices and found nothing, until they found something unusual in Martin's office. The agents found an insignia of a secret society called the Order of the Red Dragon.

One of the agents handed her the cloth that had the insignia of the secret society, she looked at it with such disgust, "That traitor!" Lydia quickly walked out of her office and headed straight for her speeder, which was parked by the docking bay near the Capitol Building, "I know exactly where he is. Follow me!" Lydia and her secret agents were all on their speeders and were off to Martin's mansion to arrest for conspiracy and treason against the Galactic Republic.

Meanwhile at Martin's mansion, Ku-Aya was in the large living room talking to one of the senators and suddenly stopped in the middle of what she was saying. "Ku-Aya, are you OK?" Martin asked

"They're coming." she said, "And they know of our plan, too."

"Who's coming, and who knows of our plan?" Arjan asked, as she stood up and walked over to the window but saw no one outside.

Several minutes of silence was broken with large explosions, which could be felt and heard throughout the entire house. Martin told his wife and kids to stay inside and go somewhere safe; he and the others ran outside to see what was going on. To their surprise, Lydia and her agents were just 500 yards from the mansion. The agents, who were made of entirely of pure crystal, shot shards of crystals from their hands. The crystal shards rocket towards the mansion; as the shards closed in on them, Nueleth stepped in front of them and held out her arms. When the shards advanced, they instantaneously vaporized by an unseen force field. Irritated by this, Lydia jumped off her speeder and ran towards the house. While doing so, she stretched out her arms and gathered most of the water that was in the ponds. She jumped into the air and let the water surpassed her; the water formed into a colossal tidal wave,which raced towards Martin and them. Martin on the other hand, possessed the same ability--the ability to manipulate water and other liquids--his powers were more powerful and more agile. He quickly took off running towards the tidal wave, and in a fluid motion, he ducked down and shot his hands into the air. This caused the tidal wave to instantly freeze.

"Well, well, a traitor and a conspirator," Lydia said, applauding in the matter of this being so amusing to her.

"No, you're the one who betrayed the entire Republic! You caused mass chaos and the destruction of the way of life in the Galaxy!" Martin stepped forward, "You're the one who kidnapped members of the Red Dragons, how dare you!"

The deranged councilwoman glanced at Martin with a grimly stare, "They deserved to be punished for crimes against the entire Republic. You and the others, on the other hand, will suffer a far more severe punishment for crimes you have committed." she turned around and signaled her agents to attack.

Ku-Aya needed the right moment to strike; she inhaled deeply and extended her arms out. Crystal shards that were coursing towards them, spontaneously combusted; she did it again, but this time a concentrated beam of pure energy from her "third eye" was aimed for the cliff side just behind Lydia and her agents. She fired. It showed over their heads, but it hit the cliff side behind them. Seconds later, an avalanche started by the tremendous shock wave from the explosives. Martin saw the wall of snow and rock racing down the mountainside and suggested everyone to head for the back of the house; this is where he kept his airship.

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