Part 3: The Invasion

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        Just hours before the Invasion of Gristia, Toghon and his allies arrived; the Royal Guards escorted them all into the Royal Palace, where Queen Tazu and Melkior were waiting. All four then walked into the War Room, where the admiral was patiently waiting.

        "This is Admiral Sukarno, he's the commander for the entire army." the Queen stated, "Admiral, these are the Ambassadors, Melkior and Fedora, of the Gazay Territory; you also know King Toghon, who mysteriously vanished for three decades."

        Admiral Sukarno bowed and went right into his report of the situation, "The Queen has informed me about your plan, and I think it should do the trick." the Admiral walked over to the table planner and pressed a button. The table shortly displayed a hologram of their master plan, "In this plan, it shows Toghon, Fedora and other allies with strong powers launching themselves into the leading ship that has the general in it; by lauchin, I mean by using some type of catapult. While on the airship, they would need to, somehow, get rid of the crew members and take down the general. For the people on the ground, well, Melior and the Queen have suggested we use many people who possess the power of plants to keep the bombs from ever reaching our city."

        With that being said, the Queen turned and looked right at Toghon, "After this war is over, my people are willingly to help rebuild your Kingdom; our people can once live in harmony and peace."

        Three hours have passed; the airships arrived at the city's doorstep. Hundreds of soldiers, both belonging to the Cuam Kingdom and Ok'ists Territory, were lined along the city's walls, ready to defend Gristia. After moments of waiting, the airships attacked. They released a torpedo that was aimed straight for the Royal Palace, but with a watchful eye, Melkior spot the missile streaming towards the Palace; he used a jet propulsion to lift himself into the air. While in the air, he bent the water in his pouch out, and fashioned the water into an ice blade that he used to cut the missile in half; the missile shattered and exploded in midair. Toghon and others started to fling large boulders at the airships; some launched themselves at the airships, which Toghon and Fedora followed as planned.

        Onboard, the team found themselves in the lower deck of the airship. They really didn't know their way around this immense airship, except for one, he knew the interior and exterior of the airship like the back of his hand--his name is Sepa, and he was the architecture and technician for the ship's design. Sepa took out a mechanist map that showed the interior designing of the entire ship and pointed to the map where they were at right now, which was the storage room. He then traced his finger to a room just below their location, it was the control gondola and that is where they will find Asugbal.

        "Now, does anyone here know how to manipulate metal?" Sepa asked, as he studied the interior designs.

        Everyone shook their heads. But, Fedora stated there was water running through the pipes--she could sense the water--maybe she could do something about that. So now the plan was slightly changed, Fedora had to, somehow, stop the flow of water reaching to the turbines that were on top of the airship. The mechanist and the others thought this plan was relatively brilliant.

        So Toghon and the others hid behind a nearby corner, whereas Fedora concentrated on the water flowing in the metal pipes. Moments later, the flow of water to the turbines has ceased; in the control room, the alarms went off and Asugbal knew what was going on. He sent couple of soldiers and one technician to solve the problem. Ten minutes after the alarms went off, Fedora and the others could hear voices coming. Toghon told her to release the pressure and hide, but she refused to let go.

        As the soldiers came around the corner, one of them ordered her to release the water pressure or face the consequences. Fedora looked him straight in the eye and refused to let go. Getting annoyed with this, she clenched her fist, making the water freeze within the pipes; she stood her ground, getting ready for any fight they might have.

        The four soldiers hysterically laughed at her foolishness, "You're one foolish being. You have no water to bend, so how will you ever defeat all four of us?" the soldiers reached into their bags that had sand, but their actions were immediately halted, "What is this?"

        "One of the most powerful sub-abilities for anyone that possess the power of water--bloodbending--you pathetic fools!" in one sweeping motion, Fedora flung the soldiers against the wall, causing them to be knocked out, "Where to now?"

        The mechanist pulled out his map, "We have to reach the turbines and jam them. But sadly, you all can't bend the metal to do so..."

        Fedora glanced at everyone and glanced at the metal workmanship, she noted that one of her close friends, by the name of Sofia Rosário, is able to bend and manipulate metal at will. Her friend is from a planet name Hovis, and the entire planet is one large city. She went on explaining to them that when Sophia told her originally the Hovisese could only manipulate the rocks around them, but centuries of population growth, her people unlocked the secrets of bending and manipulating the metal; all sorts of metal. Thanks to help of the Vusk, they were taught the secrets of this newly but ancient power; they had to concentrate on the fine specks of rock and earth that was still present within the metal. But, only the advanced could manipulate metal in its purest forms, and that took years of practicing.

        "So, all I have to do is concentrate on the fine specks of rock that the metal contains?" Toghon stood up, took a deep breath and slammed his right foot into the metal floor. To his astonishment, he left a dent in the floor. After mastering this new ability, he went over where the metal pipes where. He inhaled and metalbent the pipes to where they malformed and crumpled, "Now, let's go to the turbines."

        The team quickly ran upstairs, avoiding every guard and crew member on the ship, and walked onto the ship's roof. There, they saw the four turbine engines still running. Fedora said there was still water flowing through the pipes and feeding the turbines. The team had to move quickly; the mechanist told Toghon to open a hole in each of the four pipes. He turned to another person, who was a Ok'ists citizen, and asked her if she could grow some type of plant that will both block and absorb the water flowing. The woman held her hand over the hole and with her hand, made a small circular motion, she grew thick green moss that rapidly soaked all the water and clogged the pipes.

        Three of the four turbines failed. Alarms in the control went off. This time, Asugbal and his soldiers went to the root to check out the problem, "Well, well, look what we have here, enemies and traitors working together, how lovely."

        "How dare you attack the capital city of the Ok'ists Territory!" shouted Toghon, taking few steps forward, "You're the traitor and enemy here, Asugbal!"

        Asugbal and his men attacked the group. They send jets of sand towards them, mainly aiming for Toghon, but he dodged every attack they threw at him. He jumped into the air and forcefully slammed both fists into the metal roof; the metal roof began to buckle and ripple like an ocean wave. The rippling effect knocked Asugbal and his men off their feet, which Fedora immediately froze them to the metal. But, the tremendous shock wave that rippled through the whole ship caused it to malfunction.

        "Still think I'm a weak king?" he asked, as he imprisoned them in metal, "Valora, do you think you can stop the ship from crashing into the city?"

        The woman couldn't speak, but she nodded her head, suggesting she could. Valora concentrated on the plant below. As she extended her hands out and pulled them in, giant vines sprung out of the ground and swiftly enveloped themselves around the entire ship.


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