Chapter 5

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Harry's POV


I turned around and saw the view before me hundreds of fans and paparazzi started to surround us.

"Harry, Louis we love you!" The fans screamed. The amount of them growing every minute.

" Harry what's wrong with Louis, why is he crying?" They continued worry and wonder filling their eyes.

" Erm it is kind of personal." I replied to them as I turned to face Louis.

"Run!" I whispered in Louis ear.

Before he could even answer me We both began to run as fast as we can. I quickly took out my phone and called for security. We ran into the nearest allyway. In a few minutes some security arrived and escorted us to our hotel. I brought Louis up to his room. Poor thing. After escaping the paparazzi and all he has been through today he was tuckered out.

I took out my phone and texted Zayn to go over the hotel later to make sure he didn't do anything he would regret tomorrow.I don't know what I could do to convince him that it wasn't his fault.

I shut the door and went back to the hospital. This time I made sure that some security came with me so I wouldn't get back into that situation ever again. They drove me to the hospital, and walked me into the hospital to make sure that I wouldn't get hurt.

"Thanks mate." I said as I waved to them.

I walked into the waiting room only to find Liam sleeping on the couch, Zayn awake and texting on his phone and Niall lazily munching on his chips while gently dozing. I took this as the perfect opportunity to take some of his chips I was awefully hungry.

I quietly tiptoed to where he was sitting and leaned over just as I was about to reach into the bag but then Niall pounced on me.

"Don't ever try to pull something like that again on me, Styles. You may have taken my cupcake earlier but never again." He said as he smirked, got up, and went back to munching on his chips while lightly sleeping.

I just stood up and shook my head.

"Good old' Nialler!" I took a seat next to Zayn and slowly started to doze off on his shoulder. 


Zayn's POV

I gently began to shift in my sleep as I felt the weight of something on my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Harry sleeping. The last thing I remember was texting my mom till I guess I fell asleep.

I checked my phone and saw a new text from my mom. 

Haha Zayn did you fall asleep night dear love you :) xx

There was also a text from Harry  

From Hazza: Zayn would you mind checking on Louis I am really worried about him. He is taking this the hardest out of all of us. I left him at the hotel.

Poor Louis, I can only imagine all the pain he was going through. He probably feels responsible for Aria's death. When really it wasn't his fault, it wasn't anybody's. I left a note for the boys telling them I was going back to the hotel to check on Louis.

I slowly placed Harry's head down on the chair and took off my varsity jacket and put it on him.I got up but I felt the urge to check on Echo. I quietly tiptoed into her room just to have one glance at her.

Her face looked peaceful and at ease. I hope she is dreaming well I thought to myself. I thought of all the pain she must've going through. I wondered if anyone had spoke to her parents yet. They must be worried sick. Her long chocolate brown hair was flowing all around her pale face. Her skin was still gently bruised, and was stinec lightly with blood from the accident. Under her eyes were stained with tears.

I quietly left the room to make sure I didn't wake her up from her peaceful dream. Who knows how much sleep she will get later. I walked down the road to our hotel. It was pretty early so no one was up yet. I thought it was safe to walk by myself. 

The hotel was only five minutes or so from the hospital. As I finally walked up to the entrance to the hotel fans and paparazzi were outside waiting for us. They started to swarm me when they realized my presence. I with I had taken some security with me.

I took some pictures with the fans and signed a few autographs.

"Zayn!" "Zayn!" they all shouted.

"Is it true that Aria was Louis cousin?" They paparazzi asked.

"Is it true that Aria died?" They continued pressing for more answers.

"What about the other girl, Emily!" They questioned.

That final question made me snap.

"Her name is Echo, not Emily...Echo...okay!" I snapped

I heard the crowd silence around me.

"I would appreciate it if you would leave us alone." I stated.

With that I turned, walked away and headed into the hotel lobby. I reached the elevator and punched the number six. Tears started to wel up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. I couldn't let anyone see me like this. I had to be strong for Louis. I stepped out of the elevator and walked over to Louis room. I opened the door and walked inside I saw him sitting on the bed with his hands in his face.

As I got closer to him I saw that his eyes were stained red and glossy.

"Zayn is that you?" He questioned.

"Yeah it's me." I answered my voice softened as I went over to envelope him in a hug.

"Louis I am so sorry." I said. He just nodded and continued to ball into my shoulder.

"Thanks mate." He stuttered as he continued to cry.

"I know what will cheer you up mate!" I said as an idea popped into my head.

"What?" he answered blankly.

"How about we go to the supermarket buy a bunch of food, and eat it all while watching a movie." I said.

"What movie?" he questioned curiosity filling his eyes.

"How about Twilight" I said as I giggled. 


Authors note

Soooo Twilight... Lol the next chapter should be interesting 

I wrote this on my IPad so there might be a lot of mistakes and sorry for the short chapter I am so tired I think I am gonna take a nap :/ 

Anywho Meh Birthday is in 2 days!!!

Oh yeahhhh 

Supermarket raid!!!!! 

Umm Little things is like the best song everrrr! 

Someone leaked 2 songs from off the Take Me Home Album. 

Umm and like I survived Hurricaine Sandy WOOT WOOT!!!!! 

I didn't have power for like two days but whatever! Cause I didn't have school at all this week! 

LOVE YOU!!!!! My little WHIPPERSNAPPERS!!! Bahaha I am so weird meh....

-Ariel :) xoxo

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