Stunning or Whatever

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Hey there! So I chose the wonderful Coco Jones to be our Lauren (sorry this is a crappy photo) buuut I cant reveal her last name just yet! You'll find that out soon...

Dakota's POV
I felt like I was being stabbed in the eye. Who knew that eyeliner could be so painful?

"Almost done...oh great, I messed up the wing a little. Guess I've gotta start over!"

I groaned, wondering how much longer I could take the torture for. I recommended light eyeshadow and a pair of jeans, but oh God forbid I go to a party underdressed.

So here I was, in a way-too-short black tube top and skinny jeans, wearing chunky studded combat boots and big silver hoop earrings with my (few) brown hairs impeccably curled. And a goddamn diamond choker, no less.

"But you look stunning, goddamn! Once I finish with the eyeliner, we'll be all set to go."

"I can't believe you're making me do this."

"Oh, you'll be fine. These parties are awesome!"

For Lauren, of course. Her curvy figure could fit into a golden bodycon dress with ease, and she could rock wedges and big black sunglasses. All the guys at the party were begging to sleep with her, which kind of sucked since that's all they really wanted to do at first. But lucky for her she had the hottest boyfriend in history: Evan Pegaretti. So she didn't need to worry about that anyway.

"You should sing at the karaoke machine thing...y. You're really good, right?"

I sigh. "I took some lessons a few years ago. I'm not bad, but I'm not going to sing in front of everyone!"

"You'll be fine." Finishing the last of the eyeliner, she carefully applied deep red lipstick onto my lips. "Perfect!-"

Her phone went off, a new ringtone that I hadn't hear before. "Ooh, thats him! My brother's going to be at the party, he's coming back from his freshman year at Dartmouth to visit."

"Wait, you have a brother?!"

"Yup! Anyway, how do you like it?"

I was only distracted for a minute by my appearance, and I secretly was in admiration of my makeup. Although a little too much for my taste, it certainly looked way better than I had imagined.

But seriously: a brother?

And more importantly: he's going to Dartmouth?

"Holy shit, I never even knew that, and we've been friends for months!"

"Eh, I don't make it public knowledge." She filed a nonexistent uneven spot on her nails away, clearly bored. "But the car will be here any minute. We're gonna be the baddest bitches there, I'll tell you."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at the enthusiasm, but I went along with it.

"Well, you look...stunning. Or whatever."

Lauren gave me a look before cracking up. "Is that your form of a compliment?"

"You don't even need em. You're already hot."

"Oh, is that so?"

I resisted the urge to lick my lips, since the lipstick wouldn't taste that good. "Yeah. Or whatever."

"Or whatever. Mhmm."

Or whatever. This party is not even a big deal.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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