Another One

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I stare at the wooden table as I sip my coffee. The police are asking my dad more questions.

"Did noah have any enemies"

"No he was a sweet boy who would ever want to hurt him"

Wrong. Sure Noah was sweet, but he did make a lot of people angry when he would tell who was smoking in the bathroom, or who graffitied the side of the school. Noah just knew these things. And instead of keeping it silent like I told him too he would always go off and tell the princable. That kid would always try and do the right thing even if it would get him beat up or even killed.

" did noah seem like he was being more distant, skipping class, getting into fights anything like that."

" No, he was always a good boy."

Wrong again. Noah was skipping classes. He always asked me to cover for him. I always asked what he was doing but he said it was a secret and he would tell me when he had all the facts. Something was off but I just never questioned it. Maybe he stuck his nose where it didn't belong. Got caught by some bad people. And if he did then would they come after me, dad. Any one that knows noah? Were they the ones that killed him or someone else? Or maybe I'm just overreacting and he was doing something with the plastic in oceans or something like that. But I just can't get the idea that Noah was onto something big. He said that he had help, maybe they would know what or maybe even who killed Noah.

"Peter why don't you go to bed? You have had a long day." my dad says while rubbing my back looking back at the officer like he was asking permission. Like I was the officer's son and not his. I stood up, the chair scraping against the wooden floor. I started walking towards the stairs looking back at my dad and the officer. My dad smiled giving me the i'll be fine look and turning towards the officer gesturing for him to continue the questioning. I looked back up to the stairs and started to walk up them heading towards the bedroom. Going up to my new bedroom door pushing it open and stepping in looking around the new area. Plain tan walls with some random paintings sprinkled around the room. A queen sized bed, two tables on either side of it, lamps on both of them. a tv on the opposite side of the bed. A desk in the far corner. Two more doors. I go to the one near the desk and open it. A closet, it was normal looking with nothing that special except a safe that is inside a wall. Closing the door I go to the next one. I see a bathroom. A sink, shower, toilet, all the normal stuff in a bathroom. Closing that door I go over to the bed and flop down thinking about the events that have happened. From me just going to school see Noah smiling, joking around with his friends, to now dead in a body bag. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up and cry at the same time. But I also just keep thinking the same things over and over again. Maybe if i was at home, maybe if i had asked more or told dad about noah's disappearances, if i had been a better brother than maybe, just maybe he would still be alive. He would be here with me. I turn towards the t.v. going to the remote and turning it on looking through all the chanels hoping that at least one of them didn't have noah's death on it.i go through most of them until i land on a channel that my gut told me to just stay, watch it.

'Breaking news, two murders have been committed. The police suspect that it was the same person. The victims are a 15 year old boy named Noah miller and a 14 year old girl named kaitlin cooper. Both committed about 30 minutes away from each other. They seemed to both be stabbed from the behind. In their homes when all family members were away. A boy from the Cooper family has gone missing. Police suspect that he killed his sister and Noah Jones if you happen to see this boy please contact the police immediately.' I look closely at the picture of a 19 year old boy brown shaggy, green eyes with a baseball cap and a big smile that stretched from ear to ear on his bright face. ' if you have any information about the murders please contact the police and help avenge these children and their families' I hear a knock on the door and quickly turn off the t.v and say come in. dad pokes his head in before fully stepping into the room. "I was thinking" he says looking off into the distance before turning his head fully to me " that maybe you should stay home from school for a bit. to you know just deal with things." he says awkwardly shifting from foot to foot.

"Yeah, sure," I say, looking him in the eyes.

We just stare at each other for a while until dad says good night and leaves me alone in the empty room again. Thinking of what I could do tomorrow, I looked back to the t.v and remembered the other family whose daughter got murdered by the same person as my brother. Thinking of them I went towards my computer remembering the first and last names of everyone the news mentioned which was not many people but thanks to trusty google I found out a ton. Like that they have another daughter named Alison Cooper, age same as mine and a blonde that goes to the same school as me, Noah, and her sister kaitlin. I also found out their address thanks to social media. You can find anything on social media if you really tried. They should probably fix that. Closing the laptop and putting it on a table that is beside the bed and going into the bathroom to have a shower. As I walk in I look at the mirror on my left. My brown hair all messy with dirt in it from laying on the ground, my usual vibrant sky blue eyes now bloodshot from crying and looking darker, duller then they usually are. Taking off my shirt and looking at the scar I got when me and Noah went swimming in a lake near our cottage. Taking off my pants and going into the shower. Feeling the burning of the water as it hits my skin and drops down onto the shower floor. Watching as it goes down the drain kinda like a whirlpool. Stepping out and putting on sweatpants and hopping into bed. Turning off the lights and going to sleep. Dreaming about Noah and me swimming and splashing around in our cottage lake. 

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