Two Vs. One

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(Viper's P.O.V)

I snuck down the school halls avoiding any kids. The doors to the other side of the school were closed off by chains near the fire exit on the right side of the school. I turned a corner a pair of teachers came out of a room. I opened my wings and jumped onto the ceiling the teachers passed below me. they turned a different corner and I jumped down.

I walked up to the chained doors and placed m hand on the lock. What's in this place that's so important? and how come they don't want anyone to know? the lock clicked and I entered the burnt hall. I closed the door behind me and locked it back up.

I looked around it was pitch black the windows were covered in soot everything was. I walked down the hall good thing I can see in the dark. Before I could blink my soul appeared in front of me it turned blue and I was thrown into the wall with a powerful force.

I crumpled my vision was fading no no no don't pass out. I shakily stood I was thrown again this time I couldn't get up. I saw the red circle and target as the world went black.

I groaned my head pounded what hit me? I opened my eyes it was pitch black other than the light from a small candle in the center of the floor. It was still hazy I tried to move but my arms were tightly held down. I looked down at myself ropes were tightly wrapped around my torso and arms which were pinned behind my back with a rope around my wrists. Whoever did this was a professional.

I had a pounding headache I hissed softly closing my eyes trying to relieve some of the pain. "Good afternoon sleepyhead" I jerked my head up instantly getting dizzy. Two skeletons stood in front of me one had black tear streaks, and a red target where his soul should be he held a knife. The other had a lot of blood and dust on him, a chunk was missing out of his skull he had a single red eyelight and held an axe. 

"uhhhh" I was speechless. "Normally I would kill no questions asked but you look fucking weird who are you?" Target guy said  "I'm the one who signaled you from across the school" I said They both exchanged glances circle guy flashed his eyelight. I blinked flashing dark blue they both seemed taken back "m'that's her'm" Circle guy said. Target guy kneeled in front of me he raised his hand to my face I didn't move he touched the corner of my head I hissed softly at the jolt of pain.

He untied the ropes "Name's Killer this is Horror " He said pulling me up "Viper" I smiled getting a little dizzy. "Sorry m'bout ya head" Horror said "It's ok" I said "What are you both doing here?" I asked "Place to hide." Killer said "We're not big fans of people. That's why Toriel put us here"  "Toriel put you in here!" I repeated in surprise "m'yeah" Horror answered "With Anyone?" "Uh no" I answered "Just me. Why not join me and my classmates?" "Not big people fans" Killer reminded "But those you saw with me we're in a special class for dangerous monsters" I said "Plus it's kinda awful here with all this soot"

"M'kay but tomorrow" Horror said I nodded "I'll come back tomorrow I promise" I said they both seemed unsure. I hummed before taking off my jacket and handing it to Killer "There now I'll have to come back either way" I said they nodded. 

(Cross's P.O.V)

Toriel came back half an hour ago and we told her Viper was in the restroom. But now she was suspicious. "What is taking so long?" she asked standing "how are we supposed to know?" I asked rolling my eyelights. "She's probably doing makeup or something" Nightmare lied Suddenly the door opened. Viper walked in she had a small gash on her head "Sorry i'm late I tripped and hit my head off the sink in the ladies' room" She giggled nervously "Oh are you ok?" Toriel asked Viper nodded her tail flicking excitedly. 

Viper took her seat by the window and Toriel continued until it was 1:30pm "Alright class dismissed Viper be sure to get your head checked you might have a concussion" She said "I will" Viper said "So what happened?" I asked as we sat on a bench to wait for the other kids to be let out. "At first nothing but then my soul turned blue and I was thrown into the wall then I woke up and met two skeletons Killer and Horror turns out Toriel put them in there cause they were like us. the target was actually Killer's soul and the circle was Horror's eyelight. I told them i'd come back tomorrow and bring them to the class" She explained 

"Good cause I have a private lesson for them" I said summoning one of my knives. "Chill papa Cross" She crossed her arms I felt my face get warm "Don't call me that!" I shouted chasing her she flew to the ceiling "Viper Eclipse Stacy!" "Yes papa?" She laughed "You look like a grape"  "Sometimes I really dislike you" I huffed looking to the bench Nightmare had a noticeable teal blush looking at me my face got hotter I tried to hide it in my scarf.

(No One's P.O.V)

The group talked until the other classes let out. Dream and his friends walked out to the bench. "Have a good day brother?" Dream asked Nightmare shrugged looking back to his group "It was...Interesting" he said "OH MY STARS THEY'RE SO PRETTY!!" Blueberry exclaimed looking at Viper's wings she squeaked as he run his hands across one "Th-They're very sensitive!!" she yelped "Blue careful" Dust said softly the smaller nodded immediately hugging the taller causing him to blush purple. Viper sighed in relief. "Hi! I'm Dream!" Dream greeted her she shook his hand "Viper" She said "And that must be Blue?" "Yep!. Behind you is Lust and Ink" Dream replied Viper turned to see the two. Ink held her tail "Cool!!" he said 

"Viper!!!!!!" Chara tackled his older sister he looked frantic "I need advice on girls!"  Viper blinked "Uh ok?" "What does it mean when they kiss you?!" He asked "Chara calm down she likes you" Cross said "Uh we should go before he murders Viper" Cross said to Nightmare "See ya tomorrow Night" Nightmare felt his soul flutter. "OOh~ Nighty has a crushy" Lust teased which resulted in a glare from the goopy skeleton.

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