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"taehyung!" jungkook screamed running towards the boy bleeding out on the floor.

"kook?" he coughed out holding his abdomen tightly.

"tae im so sorry." jungkook weeped, holding onto taehyungs shoulders.

"im so sorry i didn't make it in time!"

"don't worry about i- it." he slowly breathed out.

jungkook cried repeatedly saying he was sorry, that it was his fault this happened, if only he was a little faster then taehyung wouldn't be dying on the floor.


jungkook looked into taehyungs eyes with his glassy ones, "yes tae?"

"before i die... i want you to k- know that... i-''

"jung. jungkook. jungkook!" taehyung violently shook jungkook in the bed.

he quickly sat up breathing heavily. "w-what?"

"dude, you look like you're about to piss your pants."

"oh- it was just a nightmare." he placed his hand on his chest feeling his heart beat slow down to a normal speed.

"what was it about?" taehyung asked concerned.

"nothing.." jungkook stood up from the bed and went into the bathroom to wash his face from all the sweat, splashing the cold water on himself to cool down.

"...alright.... well, we got a job."

jungkook wiped his face with the motels towel, "what's it about?"

"girl found dead in her apartment this morning with her throat slashed. the police couldn't find a murder weapon or any fingerprints. nothing. so i say we head over to the place and check it out." taehyung grabbed the duffel bag from beside the bag and walked over to jungkook.

"where did it happen?"

"baltimore, maryland. let's go."

jungkook follows taehyung to his car and gets into the passenger side.

"you ready for this bun?"

"maybe? no? yes? i mean, i dunno. i guess im just nervous because it's my first time." he blabbered out.

taehyung gripped jungkooks thigh in a caring way to show him it'll be alright.

"it'll be okay kook, im going to be right next to you the entire time."

jungkook blushed a little at the amount of care taehyung is showing him. he nods at taehyungs words and puts his hands in his lap.

after the, around 2 to 3 hour drive, they arrive in maryland.

they pull into a police station and jungkook looks at taehyung funny while he digs in his glove department.

"gotta get the information somehow." he pulls out a fake police id and waves it in front of jungkook.

"tae! isn't that, like, illegal!" he whisper shouted as taehyung got out of the car.

"don't worry about it and wait in here for a little while." he tapped on the top of the hood.

"tae..." jungkook pouted cutely but sat in his seat and waited patiently for him to come back.

after a few minutes of taehyung being in the building he walked out with around like two or three papers in his hands, flipping through each of them.

"what are those?" he questioned.

taehyung got into the passenger side and closed the door, "this is girls apartment" he smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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