𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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“Everyone has been talking about it, you go on dates and he pays you that’s all” I looked at Leah my roommate who was starting to become a very good friend.

“Have you tried it?” I spoke looking at her

“Yes of-course where do u think I get money for all of these?” She smiled showing me her Gucci handbag. I laughed “um I don’t know maybe from your parents seeing that you are millionaires?” I was the only poor kid in this University I only got in because of my brain the others though because their parents are filthy rich.

“come I’ll buy you lunch” she spoke grabbing my arm and walked me out of the room. We went to her favorite restaurant off of campus people stared and I knew what they were staring at and this time it wasn’t because she was so nicely dressed it was because I wasn’t.

“Don’t mind them” she spoke “how can I not they are making it obvious” she got up and within seconds she was at their table “you have a problem huh?” That’s all I heard before hiding my face. The next moment the one guy had a bloody nose standing in front of me “ I am sorry I didn’t mean to stare” he spoke blood running down to his lip. My eyes went from her to him, quickly I took the napkin that was placed on my table and filled it with the ice that was in her water. “Im so sorry she did that I didn’t know” I placed the ice filled napkin on his nose gently.

We finished lunch before my literature class. The class was silent like usual while we waited for the professor when the familiar sound on my phone went off

Im not paying for
your studies anymore.

I choked, my throat completely shutting down on me. I knew this was coming but couldn’t he at-least give me a heads up. ‘But that’s what you get for dating a rich play boy’ I thought to myself.

I didnt expect you to

And after sending that I blocked his number.

I stood nervously in-front of our bedroom palms sweating. I waited a few seconds before touching the handle to open the door. Immediately it opened and she stood there beautiful like always.

“How does the app work? I spoke looking at her and she squealed

“How does the app work? I spoke looking at her and she squealed

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Name: Grace Wang
Gender: Female
Location: not available

Why do you want to be a sugar baby?

I need the money

Would you accept other payment except for money example- gifts?


Would you perform a sexual act?

I prefer not to

This is a no strings attached relation ship do you accept that?


If your match wants you to perform sexual acts would you?

No answer

Your answers have been submitted

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Good luck

I bit down on my finger nail ‘what did I just do?’ I stood up walking up and down between the two beds.

We were the only roommates on campus, everyone had their own bedrooms but the day I came they placed me with her because she was the only one that was willing to share because she would never be here anyway. I smiled remembering the very first day I met her Leah Park the kindest most bad ass girl I ever met even though she could be an asshole sometimes she was a sweetheart.

A loud ding went off from across the room where my phone was making me almost break my neck off.

One New match found

One New match found

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Name: K. Jin
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Location: Seoul
Net worth: 11.3 Billion

K. Jin requested a personal message
Accept  Decline

I pressed on Accept and immediately a message came through

Where are you located?

I stared at the message ‘rude much?’ Sitting there I contemplated over just deleting the app or answering the handsome man that could help me get through University. ‘You already started can’t stop now’ the voice in my head spoke knowing I messed up.

              BigHit University

Minutes went by and I thought I literally chased the man away. Minutes turned into hours when I just decided to go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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