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"Retirement looks good on you," a familiar voice says as a shadow blocks out the sun.

I open my eyes, preparing to snap at whoever is dumb enough to disturb my suntanning to find my former boss, Cypress standing over me. He is fighting back a grin with his arms crossed over his chest as I flounder for a response for a moment.

I let out an undignified squeal and launch myself from the chair to hug him tightly around the neck. He's grown taller since the last time I saw him, and with his arms wrapped around my waist to catch my flying hug, he holds me at least a foot off the ground and his smile is a bit strained.

"Oh my gosh, Cy! It's been way too long," I say excitedly, smiling at him.

"Been staying out of trouble, Ives?" Cypress asks with a chuckle.

"Oh not at all," I laugh.

I pull away from him and he drops me lightly onto the balls of my feet, a fleeting look crossing his face but I can't name the emotion before its gone. The sand squishes between my toes, soft and warm. It reminds me of why I chose the small island of Aloca for my early retirement. I sit down on the edge of my lounge chair and study him as he peers carefully at the other beachgoers.

Cypress looks older, though it's not that surprising since he was fifteen the last time we saw each other. His black hair spikes casually in every direction and a light dusting of stubble lines his tanned jaw. I frown as I watch him keep a rigid stance. Bandages cover his hand nearly completely, making me wonder if he's been fighting since I last saw him.

"You're not here to just catch up, are you?" I say slowly.

Cypress gives me a pitying look.

"Is there somewhere more private we can talk?" He asks.

"Here is fine," I say firmly.

"Really, Ivy, this isn't something we should-" he starts but I hold up my hand.

"Sit. Here is fine. There's too much noise, no one will overhear us," I say, leaning back on the chair.

He stares at me, crossing his arms over his chest. I raise an eyebrow, refusing to back down from my stance. Worry creases his brow before he rams his fingers through his hair irritably. I cross my legs at my knee and cross my arms over my chest. For a fleeting moment, I wish that I was wearing more than just my bikini before I shove the thought aside.

"I'm calling the Garden out of retirement," Cypress says, meeting my gaze with a level one of his own.

I leap out of the lounge chair, tipping it into the white sands before I can fully process what I'm going to do. Cypress holds his hands out to me, halfway between guarding himself and preparing to catch me. He watches me warily as if he's unsure how I'll react.

"Are you serious?" I demand.

"Someone made an attempt on the Queen's life," he says slowly.

"What?" I shriek, drawing the attention of some of the other beachgoers.

"Ivy, calm down. She's fine, but we need to find out who did it. C'mon, Ives, I can't do it without you," Cypress says, a touch of desperation coloring his voice.

"Tell me everything that happened. Now," I demand, trying to keep my voice calm.


My stomach still rolls as I try to process everything. Five dead, including poor sweet Elody. I pace in the sand, trying to ignore the way Cypress is staring at me. It's a look I know all too well. The "are you going to snap" look is something I'm an expert at.

"What the hell," I say for the millionth time.

The corner of his mouth twitches, as if he's fighting the urge to grin. I round on him, my hands planted firmly on my hips. I'm about to tell him off for bringing something like this to me right now. This is something huge that could destroy the quiet life I've built! But my eye catches the edge of a familiar-looking stark white cloth at the edge of his shirt.

I walk over to him and yank on his shirt, pulling it completely free of his pants. His hand catches the hem but it's too late. Anger races through me as I stare at the bloody bandages that encircle his midsection. My hands curl into fists and I let his shirt drop back down.

"You were hurt," I say coldly.

"It's nothing, just a through and through from when I tried to save Queen-" he tries to explain.

"Yeah well you left that tidbit out, didn't you!" I shriek, cutting him off.

"Ivy," he starts.

I slam my fists down on his chest with little strength, feeling it start to leave me.

"No! You do not get to just come back into my life, injured, and say my name like nothing's changed," I shout.

"Ives," he starts again.

"Shut up! Shut. Your. Damn. Mouth," I yell, pounding my fists against his chest.

Cypress grits his teeth in pain but doesn't say anything. Instead, he just watches me.

"Why," I demand. "Why now? It's been fifteen fucking years!"

He continues to stare at me and my heart begins to pick up the pace. He remains silent which further infuriates me. I pound my fists harder against his chest.

"Answer me damn it," I scream.

He catches my wrists with his hands, pinning them to my sides. His lips twitch in amusement as he stares down at me. I grit my teeth in anger and try to pull my wrists free but he tightens his grip on them.

"I thought you wanted me to 'shut my damn mouth' Ivy," he says.

"You son of a bitch!" I shout, enraged by his smug tone.

It was one thing to drop in out of the blue and try to upend my life, but Cypress, that son of a bitch, looks to be enjoying my fury. I try again to pull my wrists free, but his grasp remains firm. I jump off the sand and swing my legs in front of me between his. Surprise flashes across his face as my momentum pulls us both into the sand.

My butt hits the sand and I immediately roll onto my back, using his size against him. He starts to land on top of me, looking like he won for a moment before the momentum catches up and flings him into the sand above me. His breath rushes out in a pained gasp, but he releases his hold on my wrists.

I leap to my feet and start to sprint away. Cypress recovers from his shock in time to grab my ankle. I fall face-first into the sand. I blink hard, trying to fight past the stinging of my eyes when I feet his knees on both sides of my thighs.  Anger, adrenaline and something I can't quite name surges through me.

"Ivy, calm down," he says.

"Like hell," I spit, throwing back my elbow as hard as I can.

Cypress grunts as my elbow catches him in the ribs. I throw my weight to the side, trying to dislodge him from me. He hits the sand with another grunt and I scramble to my feet. I glance back at him and find him holding his side. Regret swims through me for a moment before I turn and run up the beach towards the city, ignoring the confused looks that are thrown my way.

I'm not going back to a life where I throw myself into the line of fire. It's just not happening.

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