Uncorrupted nightmare x reader!

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(Hey everyone! This is requested by AsmrSara ! Thank you for requesting!)

Y/n pov:
You, UC nightmare, and original paps were sitting in original paps' kitchen cooking spaghetti with him. Every time papyrus would try to put sparkles in it, nightmare would take it out of his hand and say "no! Sprinkles are for rocky only" and papyrus would look dejected for a second then completely play it off and reach for it again. You were laughing your ass off watching these two do this over and over. It was hilarious! Imagine what it's like with nightmare and his brother? You didn't really know anything about nightmare, just that he's cute, funny, strong, and caring about you. "Hey nighty?" You asked. "yeah y/n?" "Can you tell me a bit about your brother?" "...." He was silent. His eyes have gone from a royal purple to complete darkness. Even paps was scared. "I-I'm sorry nightmare you don't have to answer if it's so hard for y-" nightmare interrupted you. "No..it's about time you learned more about me." He comes to you and he holds you close as he teleports to his castle. The room he teleported in was quite a messy one. Books thrown all over, spider webs in every corner, and then you look straight in front of you. A half golden, half black and purple book cover. A spotlight from above that you couldn't yet see was over it, making it look like the most important book in the room. You trembled fearfully, wondering what's going on and you clung onto nightmare tightly hoping maybe he would keep you safe. But after all, isn't he the one who brought you here? You finally built up the courage to speak. With a shaking voice you said "n-nighty....w-what is this place and what are w-we doing..." Nightmare did not answer your question and he instead started walking towards the book and he gently caressed the edges of the cover, seemingly looking...reminiscent...and thoughtfully...like he couldn't decide between which he should choose..

He slowly lifted the covers edge and started to read. "Once upon a time, in a universe not so far away, there lived twin skeletons. They lived in a tree that held two different apples. On one side, beautiful, crispy golden apples flourished. On the other however, dark, black, and horrifying apples grew..it is said if you take just one bite from the golden apple, it shall give you wonderful dreams, and a very warm fuzzy feeling with every bite. However, with the other apple, if anyone unlucky enough takes a bite, they shall have nightmares every night for the rest of their lives and be terrified of anything and everything. The tree lived in the middle of a village, where children played,  and mother's cooked and cleaned, and taught. Truly a wonderful time. The brothers were close to one another, always telling jokes, laughing, and playing. Now, remember when I told you that whichever apple someone chose will choose their destiny? Well, everyone in the village, every day, would come out to the tree, at exactly 12:30, and choose an apple. Most everyone went for the golden apples, which DREAM guarded. He was a lighthearted little boy, who did everything in his power to help make people feel welcome and happy. But very, very rarely would someone choose the black apples, guarded by NIGHTMARE. He had almost the same personality as dream, that's why they got along so well. The first time a man came to nightmares side, nightmare grew so excited. "Can it be?? Someone truly wants my apples??" "

(That will be the end of this chapter but if you want to have a part two just let me know! Tell me if I'm doing well at this, this is hard when I have writer's block, so don't be afraid to tell me! Also I'm so sorry this went out so late! I really truly didn't mean to, it's just a lot of things are on my plate right now, so I hope you understand, please have a good day, while I have some chips and salsa lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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