Challenge 4 - The Seasons

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Describe the seasons as if they were people:

   Spring is that person who always gets back up no matter how hard things have been. The one who keeps on smiling even when the coldest of winters have ravaged them. Spring loves a burst of colour and always sees the bright side in life. Spring loves a cool breeze playing with their hair, it's new life and new beginnings. Spring always comes around, no matter what the struggle.

Summer is a person with a lust for living. With a fire in their soul they live for the fun in life. Summer is someone who loves to travel, to see the world, and meet as many new people as they can while they're at it. Summer is the life of the party, appreciating the finer things in life.

Autumn is a quiet soul. Autumn loves walks on a cool breezy day, wrapped up with handknitted scarves and gloves. Autumn loves to lose themselves in a good book, has a collection of different teas and enjoys the occasional wine at the weekends with friends. Autumn is the friend who always looks out for you.

Winter is a lonely person. Winter is the one who believes themselves to be a lone wolf, but in reality they crave the company of others. Winter loves the beauty of nature, and enjoys making magnificent sculptures to bring smiles to the faces of those who can brave his chilly exterior. Winter always believes that better days will come again.

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