Challenge 9 - Creation

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Invent a creation myth involving string and feathers"

At the beginning of time itself, there stood a being of great power. Many centuries passed, and this being began to feel alone, tired of its own company. One day it decided to create another being like itself, and so it began weaving...twisting a feather in and out of a tapestry of string, weaving life, purpose and destiny into its creation. 

Many days and nights passed as this being worked tirelessly. On the seventh day, the creation drew its first breath, and the original being had become the Creator, its Creation staring back at it. Happy with its achievement, it explained to the Creation how it had come into being, and the Creation listened and nodded. It too, wanted to create, and it took up the feather and string and began to weave, side by side with the Creator. 

The two had created two more beings, smaller than themselves, yet made of the very light that powered the stars, with eyes of burning fire and skin that shimmered like prisms in sunlight. The Creator and Creation each took the end string of their finished works, and tied them around the feather they had used to weave life into the two smaller beings. "Now the two are bound by fate", Said the Creator. "Indeed," replied Creation, "The two are fated to search for each other through each lifetime, guiding and leading the ones we make next." A small smile appeared on the Creators face, "Indeed, for it is too much of a task to walk this existence alone," It said as it looked over at Creation. 

The Creator and Creation worked together to create more beings, to weave life into the Earth, gifting leaves to the trees and feathers to the birds. They wove music into the fates of the Humans, the vessels that held their precious little beings, the ones they had named "souls". They carved out valleys and oceans with their feathers, plucking new ones from their wings as they finished their works and bound the feathers to the end of the tapestries. 

Satisfied with their work, Creator and Creation sat back to survey the lands. "We have done well, Creator." Creation smiled, holding Creators hand as they sat on the grass. "We did indeed Creation, yet one small thing is missing. We need a means to gift the humans light, and movements in their oceans. I think I know a way" The Creator looked at Creation, smiling, and asked, "will you accompany me on this journey? Let's become what they need" It held out its hand to Creation. "I would follow you to the ends of existence, so long as we remain together" Creation responded. They clasped hands and left the Earth, settling in the sky as the Sun and Moon. Unable to see each other, yet seeing the beautiful love and care the other had given when it was their time to rise in the sky, forever grateful that they didn't have to walk this existence alone.  

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