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Welcome to Installment two! I'm loving this fic so I hope y'all are also!!

Leaning against a lamp post at the entranceway to the parking lot, Finley twirled the lanyard connected to her car keys around her middle and pointer fingers, waiting for Stiles to show up. She watched as the fabric twirled around her fingers, eventually reaching the end before she twirled it out again. After getting out of her final class of the day early, Finley texted Stiles that she would meet him near the parking lot after she dropped her lacrosse bag off in her suite.

She had been waiting for ten minutes, and assuming that his class had actually ended on time, he should have been there already and she had started to get impatient. Her pent up frustration from the day caused her to walk over to her car and pull out an extra lacrosse ball. It seemed like a better idea than  hitting herself with her keys over and over while she spun her lanyard. Bouncing the ball between her two hands she sighed and pulled her Ray Bans up onto her head so she could see the pathway that led out of campus a little clearer.

After a few more minutes of mindlessly bouncing the tie dyed ball up and down she heard a voice call out her name. She caught the ball in her left hand and turned around to see Stiles walking down the path, his backpack still slung around his shoulders and his flannel in his hand. He looked like he had recently started trying to bulk up but wasn't quite sure how to do it properly. I had been a phase Cian went through his freshman and sophomore year of high school, it took time to master.

"Hey," Finley replied as she pushed off the lamp post and walked towards him. She pulled her sunglasses back down and held her lanyard between her teeth while she grabbed her phone out of the band of her shorts.

"Why are we driving?" Stiles asked as they made their way through the parking lot towards where Finley's Range Rover would be.

Finley laughed as she grabbed her car key, the lanyard now dangling by her side. "Because I really didn't feel like having a half an hour walk into D.C. today. How were your other classes?" She asked while she unlocked her car once they got closer.

"Oh fine, pretty boring but I guess that's how syllabus week goes," he shrugged. "I'm sure you feel the same way about it though," he shrugged while he hooked his free thumb under the strap of his backpack, just like he did in class earlier that morning.

Finley nodded as she popped the trunk of her car, throwing her lacrosse ball into the back before closing it. "Yeah sylly week sucks," she replied before opening the back door, "you can put your bag in the back with mine if you want. It's a short drive but better than holding it." She watched Stiles set his bag next to hers before he rounded the car to the passenger side.

"Smells like new car," he said as he closed the door, watching as Finley turned the key and he felt hot air blow out of the vents. He waved the air away and reached out to turn the vents away from himself.

She reached out to turn the airflow off completely, "sorry about that," she apologized. "But yeah it's really not that new. I've had it for almost a year now it was a birthday gift from my dad. My twin brother got a Wrangler." Stiles found himself wondering more about her family life, her dad was a pretty prominent figure, it must put pressure on his kids and spouse. "So," she looked out the rear view mirror while she backed out of the spot, "what are you feeling for lunch, there's tons of places the meal plan covers."

Stiles found himself without an answer, he didn't know the area well, and he really wasn't all that sure what he wanted to eat. "Uhh," he trailed off when he felt his phone vibrate and looked down to see a message from Lydia, right they were supposed to Skype later. He had gotten so wrapped up in trying to find all his classes for the first time that he hadn't been able to answer her messages all day. "Sorry!" He told Finley. "I'm not sure what there really is to eat around here, so whatever you want."

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