5 | Another Pawn in the Game

142 5 3

Location, unknown

"How is our girl doing?"

"She has made contact with William Faulkner. Fyodor Dostoyevsky was there too, but don't worry, jōshi, I interrupted their little hangout before they could plot anything. Sadly, she saw me before I could kill anyone."

The man slammed his fist on the elaborate wooden table, making his subordinate jump, "What did I say about Maya?"

"T-To not kill her?"

"Yes, brat. I will be the one who ends her life. Not you, not Kuro, or anyone else. Me." he turned around in his leather office chair, "But, by all means, if you want to hurt her, be my guest. Just make sure she doesn't die before we can settle our score."

The girl bowed, her long, black ponytail falling to the side of her face.

"Understood, sir."

* * *

Author's Note:

It has been quite a while since I've updated this story. More than a year and a half, in fact, so my writing style will change quite a bit. I think I've gotten much better (naturally, with time), but I might be a bit off the game because the plot's kind of out of my head.

This little mini-chapter was written the year before, but after this one, expect a big change of style.


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