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- Syd

"Welcome home, Bella."

Hearing Alice's angelic voice again was comforting, and brought the feeling home home back. I had been in Florida for the entirety of summer vacation. It was the agreement my father Charlie and my mother Renée made when I decided I wanted to stay in Forks for longer than one semester.

It's true that when I first moved here last year I was more than dreading it. I couldn't stand the awful rain and the idea of leaving behind my life in Arizona seemed to hurt me in ways I couldn't imagine. Despite the difficulty of the transition to forks, once I settled in a found it comfortable. The truth is I never was one for big cities and crowded streets. My old school in Arizona had over a thousand other students, whereas Forks High school has no more than two hundred and fifty.

When I found out that my step father Phil was offered the chance to play for Florida's minor league baseball I knew it was big, and I had no choice but to be happy for him. But I knew it meant he would be traveling for a while, and then we would all have to move to Florida. When Charlie offered me the chance to come stay with him in forks for a couple of months we'll Phil and my mother got settled I knew it was the right thing to do. I hadn't seen Charlie in years, and Renée supported the idea fully with the conditions that I would be back in Florida for my senior year.

"Alice, I missed you so much." I sighed, and pulled her into another hug. Alice had been my best friend since day one at Forks high school. "You didn't make a new best friend well I was gone, did you?"

She let out a soft, familiar giggle that I couldn't help but smile at.

"Of course not Bella." She smiled as she shook her head. "You know what everyone thinks about us."

When she said us like that she was not referring to her and I. Instead, she was talking about her family. The Cullens. They were strange, and secretive. There were five kids, and they were all adopted by a rich, young doctor and his wife.

"I must admit, saying hello was not the only reason I've dropped by." Alice smiled, and I raised an eyebrow questioning her. When she said things like this it often resulted in me being pulled out of my comfort zone. "I was hoping you would come over actually. Esme is curious to see how you're doing, and Jasper misses you."

Jasper was Alice's boyfriend, and another one of the adopted children. He was the only one that I really knew apart from Alice, and that was only because he was my best friends boyfriend. Esme was Dr. Cullens wife, and had become something of a mother figure for me when I moved to forks. The warm way she welcomed me into her home and made me feel loved. She was different than Renée. As much as I loved my mother, she was focused on Phil, her career, and her social life. She did not often have time for me.

"I would love to come visit." I nodded in agreement. I had missed Alice more than anyone for the two months. We still wrote each other emails and would call, but it was different than seeing her face to face. I had also been to the Cullen house only a handful of times, and was curious to see it again.

"Perfect. Let's go then." Alice beamed happily, and I followed her out to the car. On the drive over there I told her all about Florida. I told her about all of the shopping I had done, and the beach that my mother's new house backed onto. I told her about how I went swimming almost nightly, and how much I loved the stars. I told her about the baseball games I'd watched, and how sick of them I were.

We pulled up to the Cullens house. I'd forgotten just got big it was. It always slipped my mind just how much money the Cullens had. Each of the children had their own fancy car, and the house itself must have been worth at least a couple million.

Trouble : Twilight (Edward Cullen x Bella Swan.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz