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Damien's POV
I think to myself, "Today's the day. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it."

We were just sitting around on the set, just hanging out. Me and Shayne were sitting next to eachother, sitting across from Courtney and Ian.

"So, how was everybody's day?" Ian asks, trying to make a conversation.

"Meh. Could've been better." Shayne responds.

I think to myself, "I have an idea on how to make it better.."

I was daydreaming a bit, until Shayne snapped me out of it by waving his hand in front of my face.

"Hello? Somebody in there?" Shayne says while gently knocking on my head. God he's so cute.

I blush, thinking about him.

"Huh, guess not. Who knew?"

"All of us." Courtney responds.

All of a sudden, Ian gets a call.

"Hold on, gotta go take this."

He gets up and goes to another room.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back."

Courtney leaves to go to the bathroom. Now it's just Shayne and Myself. Alone together.

I get more and more nervous as I think about what I was wanting to do.

"You okay? You look a bit nervous about something." Shayne asks.

I look into each his eyes and he looks back, our eyes locking. I quickly look away.

"I just, I don't know, dude. There's just been something on my mind recently." I say.

"Like what? You can tell me."

My face gets red.

"Well, I, u-um.."

I breathe in, and breathe out. I lean over and quickly kiss his cheek.

Shayne's POV

'Did, did he just, kiss me? I remember once he did it, but it was only for the video. This one felt.. genuine.' I thought to myself.

I look at him, with a smile on my face.

I gently take his hand and lock my fingers with his.

Damien's POV

I look at our hands intertwined, my heart melting. Did he really like me back??

He kissed my forehead.

I look at him, locking our eyes again. I smile sweetly.

I put my head on his shoulder.

He gently rubs the back of my hand with his thumb.

We fell asleep.

Third Person POV

Finally, Courtney comes back.

She looks at them, then takes out her phone and takes plenty of pictures before leaving them be.

When Ian was about to come back, she interrupted him, saying they were busy and said not to bother them. She then showed him the pictures. He was like, 'omg I knew it! I knew they'd be a thing sooner or later!'


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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