Double Booked

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On the way to my locker I felt lovedstrucked. It's like he zapped me with a love ray gun and told me to have a crush on him. Plus, I have a locker right next to him. Am I lucky or what! Appearantly not, because one of the "cute" girls come over to his locker, and here's what happened. "Hi Chris!" Said Paisley as she batted her eyes." "Hey Paisley, what's up?" Asked Chris. "Oh, I just wanted you to know that we'll be having our anniversary tonight." Said Paisley. ANNIVERSARY! OH MY FREAKINOME! DID I JUST HERE  THE WORDS A-N-N-I-V-E-R-S-A-R-Y! How come Chris never told me that..."That sounds cool." I said fake smiling at Paisley. Paisley gave me a glare, flipped her blonde hair and walked away...while switching. Chris turned to me and gave me a smile. "So...since your new here I was gonna ask you something." Said Chris. My cheeks were burning. 'Was he going to ask me out or something?" I thought. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to study together after school?" Asked Chris. "Su..sure." I stumbled. "Cool, we can walk to my house together." Said Chris as he closed his locker and walked off.

Later on at 2:30pm at WaySide Elementary school.

"What is taking Ripple so long?" Asked Rita. "Uh..I dunno."Replied Richard. "If she doesn't come in the next 5 seconds i'm going to scream!" Said Rita. Richard covered his ears. "1......2......4.......5...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Screamed Rita. People stared at Rita."You forgot 3." Corrected Richard. "Oh just shutup!" Complained Rita.

AT 2:37pm by Chris's block

"I'm so happy that you can help me study." I said grinning. "Me too, I heard that you're pretty good at english." Said Chris. "Ya, I help my brother and sister alot with it." I said. "Wait.....I FORGOT RITA AND RICHARD!" I thought

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2012 ⏰

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