Day 10

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Damon hadn't understood why Elena absolutely needed him to go grocery shopping with her, until they'd been at the store and Elena had announced that they were going to cook Christmas dinner, not just for themselves, but for Jeremy, Bonnie, Alaric, Caroline and the twins. He hadn't quite realized they'd all be coming for dinner, but the news made him happy - so far, their Christmas had been very much just the two of them, and he realized that he actually missed their friends.

Elena knew she wasn't the best cook, but had been willing to give it a shot, especially if it meant having the chance to get everyone together.

The shopping list she had made was pretty basic, the traditional Christmas meal items, but as she and Damon strolled down the grocery store aisles, he surprised her by adding even more things to the cart than she had planned. After a little while she just let him take over, and watched as the menu expanded. Damon, apparently, knew what he was doing, and she loved that even after years of knowing him, she could still discover new little things like this.

As he made suggestions on more things to add, or ways to make the meal better, she realized that she was going to, unexpectedly, be more of an assistant than chef, when they made it to the kitchen. She was already looking forward to it. Damon also had ideas for mixing up their traditions and making a grand feast of both modern American Christmas food, and food from the 1850's, that he had grown up with.


When they got home with all their groceries, Damon instantly took over the cooking and Elena loved seeing him in that element. While he had always been cocky, there was something entrancing about watching him do something he knew he was good at, without a doubt. And his kitchen skills were a thing of beauty.

"You're supposed to be mixing that," Damon joked, motioning to the bowl in front of her that had been abandoned once she began watching him in action. Elena actually blushed a little at his knowing smirk, "Sorry." He chuckled and she refocused her mind to the task.

They had gotten a ham, just like Elena's parents always had, but they'd also gotten chicken and turkey. Apparently that was very much a thing when Damon had been a kid. He continued to order her around in the kitchen, really focused on the cooking, and she actually had fun with it - it was nice to see him take charge with such confidence in a place other than the bedroom.


It was dark when their guests started arriving. Elena had made welcome-drinks for them and had changed into an amazing red dress, that made Damon want to drag her upstairs and get her naked for the second time that day. Caroline and Alaric had come together and of course brought the munchkins . They had gotten so big since the last time he'd seen them. They instantly stormed into the house, giving Elena and Damon a big hug, before continuing into the parlor to look at the tree with all it's decorations.

"It's so good to see you again," Caroline said as she hugged Elena and then Damon, "I'm sorry we haven't been more in touch, but these past few weeks have been insane!"

"It's okay, Care," Elena said, smiling at her, "it's a busy time of year!"."

Bonnie arrived almost immediately after. She had let Elena know in an email that she was catching a late flight to be home for Christmas, and both Elena and Damon had so happy to hear she would make it.

And lastly, Jeremy showed up. Elena hugged him tightly, realizing how long it had been since she had seen her brother. Not since Thanksgiving at Ric's place. She felt a little guilty for that, , but they all knew college was taking a lot of time out of her schedule, and Elena figured it was the same for Jeremy. She hadn't heard much about how his classes were going in art school, but every time he called or emailed, he seemed happy, and that was all she had ever wanted for him..

"Merry Christmas, Elena," he said as they embraced.

"Merry Christmas, Jer" she whispered back, "I've missed you."


After finishing their drinks in the parlor, looking at all the decorations and catching up from the time that had passed since they'd last been together, they went to have dinner in the dining room.

The conversation rolled on, even as the food was put on the table, and all the discussion and laughter warmed Elena's heart. This was her family, and they were all together.

"Tell me about Africa!" she insisted to Bonnie, who was adding butter to her dinner roll, "I still can't believe you went on an actual Safari!"

Her friend laughed, before launching into story after story, starting with her African adventure and ending all the way at the Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, where she had been just before booking a flight back to the states. It seemed that she was moving at her own pace, exploring different countries and continents as she felt the whim, and learning a lot along the way!

There were apparently whole covens of witches in the older parts of Romania, and she had stayed to study their practices for nearly a month before moving on. It was exciting to hear about and Elena was so thrilled for her. Bonnie was truly at peace and was living the life she deserved.

Damon had more to offer as far as conversation though, since he himself had been to many of the places she mentioned.

Elena was surprised at just how many, though she had known he'd travelled a lot over the past century and a half.

"Prague was one of my favorites," Bonnie admitted, when Damon brought up the capital city, "But I spent more time in Amsterdam. It was actually a lot more fun without having you two drunk idiots to worry about."

She smirked at him and Ric.

"Hey, it was a rough time," Damon defended, "And in all fairness, Ric was only pretending to be drunk for most of it. Before he, you know, ditched us."
"I had an agenda," Ric defended and Bonnie rolled her eyes, before addressing Elena and Caroline, "I hope neither of you ever have to travel with them."

Elena giggled, "I guess we should thank you for keeping them alive."

"Hey!" Both Damon and Alaric exclaimed, causing more laughter.

Bonnie redirected the conversation, "So what's new with you guys?"

"Homeschooling, making sure these two don't burn down the house, homeschooling, making sure these two don't accidently kill each other, oh and homeschooling," Caroline sighed, before affectionately running a hand through Lizzie's hair, "They keep us on our toes."

"You can say that again," Ric agreed, taking a sip of his drink, "How about you, brother?"

He lifted a glass in Damon's direction, "Any regrets about losing the fangs?"

Damon smirked, laying an arm around Elena's shoulders, "None whatsoever. Things are actually quiet around here. Mostly we've been busy with Christmas preparations."

Alaric put his drink down, "Did you just say "we" and "Christmas preparations" in the same sentence?" he asked in disbelief, "Elena, what have you done to him?"

"Oh she's trying to bring back the Christmas spirit," he teased, giving her arm a squeeze.

Elena tried to hide her smile, "He's accepted the inevitable with grace."

"Damon?" Jeremy joined in with a lifted brow, "Graceful? Wow, things have changed."

Elena laughed, "Okay, as much grace as he can, anyway. He's been very indulgent."

"You are castrating my reputation," Damon warned her, tossing a piece of ham in his mouth.

"Well, I think it's sweet!" Caroline said, as Alaric muttered something about not recognizing his friend anymore.

Elena just kissed Damon's cheek as his hand found hers.

"I guess a lot has changed around here," Damon mused, and interlaced his fingers through her own, "And something tells me it's only the beginning."

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