A World of Sacrifice

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Water drops from the dark stormy sky above. It was quiet, too quiet. Even though silence was what you can only hear, the Japanese Chinese war has been going on for 8 years straight.

It was like a stick really, Each ends of a stick plans on advancing whilst on the end of a stick the Japanese Force are gaining what is not theirs to claim and on the other end of the stick was the Chinese Force trying to regain what they once own.

Both ends tipping the other to oblivion.

A small puddle of water in a quiet village in china was disturbed by a pair of wet boots covered in dirt.

China (Yao) stopped and panted for air. The Japanese force were going stronger, quicker by the minute. He spared a glance at his sword that dripped with fresh crimson blood that indicated he's recent escape from a fight.

China stood tall. The Chinese Base was near he just had to run, run without being seen, but that was almost impossible especially when the Japanese Force was haunting the base but as well as the important target in the kill list, Yao Wang. China himself.

Once he would arrive at the base they just had to wait for America and his soldiers to land in the Chinese soil. About to run when a search party saw him. Four, he counted, four Japanese soldiers.

One which charged at china but china only step out of the way and hit the guy's throat hard with his elbow causing the guy to fell down on the ground unconscious and probably with a broken trachea.

The other guy manage to have a fight but not for long. China grabbed his opponent's arm and spin it round during which the third guy charge recklessly , china push force the second soldier to the charging third soldier causing them to fall in the ground. China jumped and his sword run through the chest of the two Japanese soldiers.

It was until China felt a flash of pain cross his shoulder he looked behind only to get kick by the last guy in the guts causing blood escape china's mouth. Hearing the approaching steps he patiently waited for just one more step and that's when he move his hands with force hitting both feet of the guy lost balance he fell down in the ground china stood up and ended the life of the last guy by breaking its neck.

China took his sword and looked at the bodies. His eyes show sympathy just thinking how his little brother, yes, his little brother led the war but not as an assistant of China, nor an ally, but as the leader of the enemy. Destroying and taking over innocent countries. How his brother could use these men to kill other people in war and for what? A stupid ambition of a human being to gain Power around the world. For china his brother wasn't acting like the innocent , kind, little brother he found in the woods long time ago .. they weren't really brothers by blood but china loved him more than as a brother...

Watching Japan (kiku) leave his house pained him , broken his heart into two. For the second time in his life he had to learn to fakes his happiness for the sake of his other siblings. Foolish it may be, even with those broken shards of a whole, he loved Kiku still.

China once again looked at the dead bodies in the ground thinking that no matter what he would do, a war always ends with you're sword dripping in crimson blood or you're lifeless body lying on the ground without a good reason to die for but no more than one's ambition . How he wish he could end this madness now.

"There he is!"

China run under the pouring rain as a larger search party runs after him china turned right into an alley. He breathe out and in as three large search party stopped a few feet away from the alley searching.

"Search everywhere for that chinese rat!"

A Chinese soldier approach china sewmingly to have come out from the corner's shadow and told him that the base is only 5 minutes away. He looked behind the young soldier and saw a dozen of anxious waiting soldiers hiding int he dark

China looked at the three large search parties and shakes his head.

"Go back alone. " He ordered before running to a different path that led away from the base.

"There he is!"

"After him!"

China wasn't stupid. Reckless, but not stupid. He had to lead the Japanese force away from the base as far as possible.

China turned left only to find a sword in his throat. One slightest move and he could die with slit throat under the pouring rain.

A soldier pushed him down making him kneeled on the wet ground as they tied his hands.

"Where is your base?!" The commander's booming echoed througout the alley.

"Long live the Republic of C--" China's voice echoed throughout the little town was cut off by a punch. China's fallen body on the wet stone road was pulled up through his hair.

"Long live, long live. Bullsht. Tell me where your base is soldier!" The commander sneered, tightening his grip on China's hair.

China spit blood to the commander's face and laughed.

"You piece of--"

"Sir!" The commander stopped and turn to look at the soldier behind.

"The soldier in our custody is recognize as Yao Wang in our system."

The commander looked at China's slumoed figured on the pourin rain and grin.

"Yao Wang?" China flinched at the mention of his name. The commander crouch infront of china and smirk.

"Looks like China doesn't have long to live." China widen his eyes as the commander stood up and turned his back.

"Call HQ, tell them that we've found Yao Wang. Get ready to leave."

"But sir the base--"

"The base will be search by another party."

"Yes sir!"

China stared at the buzzling japanese soldiers and stared at the dirty, blood stained, wet floor.

"Take him" the commander ordered.

China discovered the extent of truth of the words he once spoke to Kiku.
The world out there , outside your door step is a world of sacrifice for either good or bad.

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