My lost

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Two Japanese soldiers drop china on the ground and blood escaped his mouth.

China felt the two soldiers taking off his handcuffs,  immedietly thinking to attack as soon as they release him from the handcuffs. He heard the sound of his handcuffs dropped on the marbled floor, he then heared the door closed. China looked behind him and saw that the two soldiers left the room. Curious, he looked around the room and noticed it was big and spacious, it was more likely the place where a person would practice wielding a sword .

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?"

That familiar voice that came out from the very mouth of the person China once love and still does. The one that turned his back on him. And when China did the same, that person turned around and slashed his back. 

Japan looked at china with his sword on his right hand, he was sitting on a chair looking at his older brother with no emotion but with pure hatred. China seemed to have noticed this.  Maybe it was hatred that Japan felt. Japan saw no change in China's eyes. In his older brother's eyes was hatred, but the lingering affection of a sibling was there. And he hated that. His older brother was still oblivious of what he wanted from China then. And in a way, what he wanted from Yao even now.

He could have waited, but Yao was cruel. He showed no progress of realizing his 'younger brother's ' emotions towards him. He wanted china, to the point it destroyed him.

Now, he just wanted to control china. Bend him to his will. Colonize him. Monopolize him. Break him.

China looked at his brother's piercing eyes and what he saw only broke his heart even more for what he saw was hate , hatred , and power.

China wondered why japan hated him .. but china still believed that the little brother he once know was still there hidden inside from the ambition of power . The little brother with pure innocence and welcoming heart.The little brother who was quiet , cared about his personal space , the joyful boy in his own little way ... and most importantly china believed that the Japan he fell in love with was still there inside hidden in the darkness and hidden from the light.

China search for his sword the moment he laid eyes on his brother's sword, china found his sword beside him he grabbed it and stood up. Japan step calmly and casually forward china. Japan stopped a few feet apart. Japan pointed his sword to china challenging him into a fight.

"You once told me that no matter how much you try , a war always ends with crimson blood dripping down your sword or your lifeless  body lies on the ground  with no good reason to die for except from one's blind ambition for power.. Tell me Yao, which one would you end up be?" Japan asked his brother

China and Japan stood infront of each other. No longer brothers. No longer being that held secret emotions towards one another. They were simply China and Japan. Opposing enemies.

China spoke as he got ready for his final step he knew that this fight will end up both blades dripping with crimson blood and one's body in the ground .

"Tell me brother" He spat. "Would you rather die to be remembered as a hero or live only to be remembered as a coward." China grit.

I Surrender...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora