Nick's POV:
"So, if I say it," I clear my throat, "Do you think she would freak out?"
"Say what?" Marcel asks in confusion.
"You want to say it?" Zane gasps and I nod.
"Say what?" Marcel asks and I sigh.
"The 'L' word to Melissa." I explain and his eyes widen.
We were currently at a bar while the girls had their second girls night in a row. We were having our second guys night.
"If you're ready, you should say it man." Marcel pats my back and I smile.
"I am. I just don't want her to think it's too soon or that she has to say it back."
"She definitely won't. Quinn tells me a lot." Sane chuckles and I smirk .
"What do you know about the topic then?"
"I can't tell you that, don't do that to me. I promise not to tell anyone every time she tells me something." He groans and puts his head in his hands.
"Fine, don't tell me. Quinn Can tells when you've done something. I swear she could be in the FBI." I shake my head and Zane nods with a laugh.
"She's always watching those shows."
It gets late pretty soon and we decide to head back to our mates. We all left our phones at home to make sure we spent quality time with each other.
"Babe? We're home." I come through the door and see Erica and Quinn crying on my couch. "Where's Mel?"
"N-Nick, we tried! I swear we tried! They were holding us back." Quinn shouts and her voice sounds like she's in so much pain.
The guys run over to their mates as my heart stops. I feel myself get dizzy but sober up completely.
"Where is she?" I ask calmly. Maybe it's all a joke or prank, Mel loved doing that.
"They took her, Nick." Erica answers and my fists clench.
"W- we tried calling you, all of you as soon as we got home, we thought maybe one of you might've taken your phones." Quinn says in between her sobs.
I immediately go to our phones and grab mine. There were calls from them but not from an unknown number like I was hoping. I call my beta and gamma, asking them to send me footage from the cameras of the place the girls went to.
There she was, my Mel. She was fighting, or at least trying to, four males it seemed like. I didn't recognize any of their faces. I know every face in this pack, they're not from here. Rogues.
I let out a ferocious growl and I feel Quinn next to me. She hugs me tightly, sobbing into my chest.
"She tried Nick, I-I noticed she'd gone outside for too long. I went and saw her fighting so I tried helping her and she screamed at me to leave, to get help and tell you she loves you."
"She loves me?" All I wanted was Melissa in my arms so I could tell her I loved her too. "I'm going to go meet up with my beta and gamma."
"Nick there's more, the guys held Erica back too and someone shoved her in a beaten down silver car, I have the first part of the license plate memorized. It was D3A7." She looks in thought and I see her eyes fill with anger. "Fuck, whats the rest!" She shouts.
"Quinn, that's more than enough. Don't beat yourself up over it. I'll come back later, you guys stay here. I'll have pack member surrounding the house for safety." I quickly exit the house before they can say anything.
"I can't believe none of you can find the car!" I shout in frustration, tugging at my hair. "This is your Luna!"
"Where's our sister, Nick?" Wes and Gabriel arrive at the pack house and I shake my head. I hear them both take in a sharp breath. Melissa's mom breaks into tears while my mom comforts her, also in tears.
"Son, if it's rogues you know what they want. They want to get into contact with you. They will soon, get some rest." He puts his hand on my shoulder and I shrug it off.
"No, this isn't a waiting game. She might get killed and the longer we take to find her, the higher the chance she will." I clench my jaw. "I'll find her myself."
I decide to go back to my house and see if maybe Quinn or Erica have a better idea of anything else that happened.
"Nick! A name, I have a name! Roger!" Erica shouts as soon as I walk in and I nod.
"Anything else?"
"I don't know if this helps but she's been getting flowers, from lack members she said but I don't think that's true." Quinn says in a whisper.
"I've seen the flowers, the notes are what I haven't seen." I run upstairs to my bedroom and go to her nightstand. That's where I saw her putting the cards.
"They have different letters! They spell something, oh my God they weren't initials." Quinn has tears streaming down her cheeks again as I gulp.
I put the notecards together and it spells 'I'm Coming For You'. Two weeks worth of flowers, fourteen notecards. This was well thought out. They've been here two weeks, they know where I live. They knew where she'd be tonight.
My phone blares alive and I run to it.
"Alpha, I'm sorry."
My phone slips out of my hand.

Meeting My Alpha Mate #1
WerewolfMelissa Alvarez is a feisty werewolf. She can be an angel too. Don't piss her off though, she's a fighter. She is 16 almost 17. Melissa is looking forward to meeting her mate. But, she didn't expect what she got. Nicholas Smith is a werewolf too, so...