Chapter 1

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We knew a man named Buddy Bones. He went camping one afternoon. Thats the last we ever heard of him.

     It was calm cool day in Southern Tennessee. The sun was setting on a quiet lake. The local baseball team had just finished off their season with a win. The mayor had given a great speech. The church was setting up for their easter play. And families were settling in at home.

Suddenly, the police got a call from The Martin Family. Hello, May I ask whats the issue, Deputy Judd said. Yes, there is something weird going on. We cant tell whats happening. A animal, some beast looking thing has been in our trash at night and hanging out and resting in our backyard in the late afternoon. Its creeping us out. We dont know what it is. But it looks very dangerous; continued James Martin. Okay, we will be there in a few, said Deputy Judd.

The Police showed up at the Martin House.
It was 8:30 pm. Deputy Judd and Detective Sammy knocked on the door. Yes, you had a problem in your backyard, said Judd. This way, said Shayla Martin. They went to the backyard and looked around. Nothing was there. So, they sat and waited on the porch.

Nothing happened that night. The cops left around 11.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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