Chapter 1

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The clock on the wall seemed to slow with every passing second.



Jules blinked, her eyes dry from staring at that damn clock. It was 3:42 AM, too early to even dream of being awake, and yet here she was.

She checked her phone, hoping from a text from Evelyn, her best friend. Today was Evelyn's birthday, and when she finally awoke from that night's slumber Jules was certain she'd hear of the new development in her friend's life. She giggled, picturing the phone call that was sure to come.

"OHMIGOD, I can't even" Evelyn would start.

"Can't even what?" Jules would ask impatiently.

At that point both girls would fall into a fit of laughter  stemming from excitement. It was crazy, Evelyn turns 18 today, and so would she the following week. It seemed like yesterday the two were just meeting in kindergarten, forming their forever bond.

Jules closed her eyes and let her mind drift, thinking of how her own birthday would change her life. Once a person turns 18, one of their five senses completely exceeds its capabilities. How great would it be if she could see new colors, or heard the howl of a wolf from miles away? It would be amazing to increase the sensation of a massage, or to force the most bitter of foods to taste sweet. She smiled at the thought and let her mind drift further and further until at last she became enveloped in sleep.

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