Chapter 6

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"Remind me, what are your parents' senses?" asked Jules. Everyone was splayed in the grass, full from breakfast.

"Well," began Josh. "Mom says she can feel when people are watching her, it kind of freaks her out." That would be creepy, knowing when someone was staring at you, and not knowing if that person was someone to be afraid of.

"She says that's how she met Dad, but I never knew if she was kidding." Evelyn added. They all giggled at the thought. Steve staring at Gloria thinking he was being sly, when in reality she had known all along. That's one way to find out if someone has a crush on you.

"And your dad?" Jules loved hearing these kinds of stories, it always excited her to think if she too would develop a similar sense.

Josh smiled, he always looked up to his dad, and adored the sense he received.

"Dad's is awesome! He can't feel pain, I could punch him in the gut and wouldn't even flinch!" Josh began to mime a forward punch, then proceeded to fake some karate kicks. Jules laughed. It did sound pretty cool. Imagine being able to sit through a tattoo, or run for miles without the consequence of sore muscles, or in Jules case, cramping once a month.

"I can't wait to see what happens to me." 6 more days until she found out, and then her and Evelyn could use their senses together.

"6 more days and then you're the one who's getting tested!" Evelyn pointed at her and proceeded to stand. "But, for now, let's do some eye tests." Everyone else stood, waiting for instructions.

"Josh, you and Jules go stand behind the shed there. On the count of three, you'll both jump out at me, but I'll only be thinking of one of you."

"And you should only be able to see the person you're thinking of..." trailed Jules, talking out loud, but not to anyone is particular.


"One, two, three, go!" Josh and Jules both jumped from behind the barn and raced toward Evelyn. She was concentrating, but they weren't sure on who. They ran closer and closer to her until Evelyn ducked out of Josh's way......and into Jules.

"Agh!" they screamed as they fell toward the ground.

"You jumped in front of me!" shouted Jules.

"I didn't see you!" Evelyn retorted. "I was trying to avoid Josh." The realization hit them.

"IT WORKED!" They sang in unison. It was incredible. Evelyn had two scent changes instead of one.

"So you were thinking of me?" Josh asked, confirming their suspicions.

"Duh, I couldn't see her, and I didn't know which way Jules was running so I leapt out of your way. I certainly didn't intend to be trampled."

"Too bad you feel pain unlike Dad," Everyone was back on the ground, speaking through bouts of laughter.

"Who knows, maybe next week Jules won't!" all eyes were now on her.

"Maybe," was all she could muster, she was too busy smiling. She couldn't wait for her birthday.

6 more days and counting.

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