Chapter 3

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Ok! Watch the video up top, and yeah. Oh wait. Okay, so, little bit of news. I might take a break tomorrow. I don't have much time to write anymore, so this is cutting in to my sleep schedule. I just kind of want a night to get the proper amount of sleep, ya know? I would have tonight, but it would've been unannounced. Never mind it don't matter. Okay, ONWARD!!

Izuku's POV

    Kacchan walked in the opposite direction of me. Iida, Uraraka, Kirishima, Yao-Momo, and Mina were already awake. I went over to talk with my usual group. Mina and Yao-Momo were talking, and Kacchan just grouped up with Kirishima.
    The feeling of anxiety and stress were stronger than ever. Something was gonna happen, and soon. I decided to tell Iida and Uraraka.
    "Hey guys?" I was wanting to get their attention, so I could speak clearly. It isn't every day that you confess about your hunches. "I keep getting this horrible feeling that something big is going to happen. Something really bad."
    "Me too!" Uraraka chimed in. "Is it like, Hero senses? It's really weird and it's stressing me out."
    "Me as well." Iida added. "It feels like the suspense before a large scale villain attack."
    "Exactly!" I said. "All of those things! I hate it! It almost feels like... someone's gonna get hurt."
    I said the last part in a whisper. I didn't need any of the other people in the room getting worried. Not that many other people were in the room. It's just that news flies, you know?

    We all talked about what the feeling could possibly be throughout the rest of the morning. Soon after, everyone headed to class. The feeling got more intense as the day wore on. I kept spacing out, thinking of all the possibilities.

Time skip: after school.

    Everyone in class 3A wanted to do something. Kirishima dragged Kacchan along, but the majority wanted to do something. So we took a trip to the mall. I carry a backpack with my Hero suit in it all times. Can't ever be too careful, right?
    We were all hanging around the food court when Yao-Momo had an idea.
    "What if we all go train in our suits back at U.A.? It could help us get better with things."
    Everyone agreed. Except Mineta, of course. We all gathered our things, and dropped it off at the dorms. I took my backpack with me, considering it had my suit in it.
    We got to the locker rooms and quickly changed into our suits. We walked inside the training gym and started to work on our moves.
    All of a sudden, Mr. Aizawa burst through the doors.
    "Class 3A! There seems to have been a large scale villain attack on the east side of the city! There is massive amounts of damage! Since you're all in the proper clothing, we need to get a move on. I don't have much information on the villain, but I know it's big. We need to hurry. Move!"
    I activated One For All and had Uraraka make everyone light, including herself. Every one linked arms, except Kacchan, and I drug them all behind me while I ran to the scene. Kacchan got there on his own, arriving soon after us. The villain was huge. He had the same build as a Nomu, except he wasn't a Nomu. He was much larger, and had a different face. It looked like Stain's, except without the mask. He also appeared to be able to move things with his mind.
    I acted almost immediately. I jumped from building to building, then leaping into the air. I landed a punch to his jaw, but he seemed to have absorbed it like it was nothing. I jumped away, warning the others of my new information. I called over Mineta, and told him to keep the villain in place. Surprisingly, he didn't argue but just nodded once, firmly. Kacchan went off and did his own thing, getting ready to attack for himself.
    "Kacchan, wait for Mineta to get him stuck! Then attack!" I yelled in his direction.
    "Don't tell me what to do, nerd!" He argued with me. But surprisingly, he did as he was told.

Katsuki's POV

    As Deku got everyone in line, I readied my quirk. Then Mineta gave the signal that he had succeeded in keeping him in place. A stream of blood was running down his forehead.
    Before I knew it, Deku leaped again, socking the villain square in the jaw. I leaped as well, getting ready to blow the damn thing's face off. I let out a massive explosion, using the stored sweat in my suit. The villain covered his eyes, but soon recovered.
    Deku leaped again, this time with more force. He ended up kicking the villain's shoulder, causing it to stumble off balance. It regained composure, and almost roared. He decided to use an attack if his own. With brute force, he swatted Deku out of the sky. He crash landed into a pile of rubble, but got up almost immediately.
    I sighed with relief. I don't know why, I just did. The fucking nerd could have gotten badly injured. I leaped up again, and used another massive explosion. This one caused more damage than the last. It was right then that the freak used his telekinesis and brought a chunk of building flying my way. Everything went blurry. I was knocked out of the sky, but wasn't touched by the rock. Instead, Deku was where I was. The boulder crashed into his side, and I heard his arm and leg break. I also heard smaller cracks, which seemed to be his ribcage.
    He went flying side ways, covered in his own blood. The rock sandwiched him back where he was before. Except this time, he didn't get up.
    "Deku!" His name erupted out of me. My vision went blurry with mist, and I charged full speed in his direction. No, no, no, no, no! He can't die! No! Fuck fuck fuck!
    I exploded the rock on top of him, and pulled him into my arms. He was unconscious, and his head rolled when I stood up. Using my free arm, I blasted us into the direction of the hospital.
    Fuck! His heart beat slowed, and mine went up faster. He can't die. Tears poured down my face like a river, and adrenaline took over my body. I made it to the hospital, and slammed my way inside.
    "I need a doctor!" I screamed, trembling. "Now!"

Sorry 🤷‍♀️
I guess you'll have to wait and see what happens next! muahhahahaha, the suspense! Poor Deku!!!! D: I just might cry at my own work :< oh, and please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes. I read it over myself, but more feedback could help. Anyways,
Until next time!
Ciao! ❤️
Word count: 1155

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