Chapter 5

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Guess who's officially five now? It's me. Literally no one else could be narrating this for you. Use your brains.

With being five, I've finally stopped being taken around the palace like a show doll and have begun taking lessons in all the things a child and a princess should probably know. I can now say with confidence that the language isn't hard to write. Which is a relief because I would've just given up there if it was.

Right now, my favorite class happens to be etiquette because the teacher, Ms. Nova, rewards me with a piece of candy for every thing I do correctly. I can't describe the flavors of the hard candies, but I think I'm getting addicted to them. They're sweet and melt in your mouth, but it seems like they're different tasting every time you eat one despite having the same wrapping.

If a futuristic society means delicious, constantly changing candy then the modern world ain't shit. They need to get their act together.

It's another day where I wake up in my own lavishly decorated room in my comfortable bed, lightly shaken awake by Clymena once again. My eyes still hadn't fully woken up, making everything blurry.

"Your Highness, it's time to get ready." Clymena's voice was as soothing as always, helping me out of bed. Over the time I've had to live with Clymena, I've found that not only is she caring towards me, she's actually a mother herself. With ombre hair in all the colors of the sunset, warm brown eyes and sun-kissed skin, Clymena was quite pretty. Apparently her daughter looks just like her, a girl my age named Portia. It was a bit sad to think that Clymena was here taking care of me rather than out raising her daughter.

Clymena has her reasons though, and I am only a five-year-old as far as everyone else is concerned.

Per usual, my day started with a bath. They always scented the water for some reason and I found that I liked the citrus scented bath the most. It smelled nice and did wonders waking me up in the morning. Then I was thoroughly dried and dressed up before having my hair brushed and styled. Today it was a cute white dress with constellations embroidered on it with gold thread and a dark purple layer under the dress made it stand out more. My hair was curled at the ends into little ringlets, running down my back.

"Our princess is the cutest in all the realms." Clymena would say this to me every morning, but I knew she was sincere. Although I didn't understand why she would say this, I let her get it out of her system. Then came the hardest part of my day.

Breakfast with mother and father.

The walk to the dining hall in the main palace was a bit long, but it got me some exercise. To explain, the imperial palace was actually split up into many palaces and areas. The Sirrah Palace was where I lived and had been used for princesses for generations. When I was first born and for my first couple years of life, I lived in the Polaris Palace where the Empress stayed. My father, the Emperor, lived in the Orion Palace. The main and largest palace. It was where all the important decisions of the empire were made along with the place where breakfast, lunch, and dinner were held for father.

Yet he wanted mother and I to leave our palaces to come eat with him like a family.


At least my favorites are always served when I'm there. Otherwise I'd be really upset.

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