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Hey guys, I normally hate it when authors do this little notes, and I've made three smh. Anyways, I'm so very sorry I am so late to update, but I will, soon. Since we're stuck in this quarantine shit, I have all the time in the world. But in the last week I've had 5 incredibly long projects that I had to do for school that took up all my time so I couldn't work on the story. I'm going to be honest with you, I was actually thinking of giving up the story for adoption and tell the new authors the ideas I had for it, but I decided not to. I wrote a new story, it finished up two 100 page copy books and I'm not even half way into the plot, idk if I'm going to publish it or not, I think ppl would like it, since it's my best work and I like to be optimistic, but I'm too lazy to retype TWO HUNDRED PAGES, you feel me?
Anyways, I'm going to continue with this story and my other published one until it reached the end. I personally like long stories, and I know I said it's only going to be 30 chapters max, but with the direction I'm going with, it'll probably be more. Tell me if you want a short story tho. I'm gonna shut up now, if you read this please give me suggestions for ships:
I've had a request for Blairon, that's the inspiration for this chapter, ok let's start
Pansy and Blaise(i don't remember the ship name)
Blaise and Theo
Luna and Neville
Luna and Ginny
Neville and Theo
Pansy and Theo
I don't remember the rest, tell me if there's anything else though.
Oh and idk if you agree with me on this, but I started shipping tomarry??? Still a hardcore drarry, but I started liking this, if you want suggestions for tomarry stories dm me and I'll tell you I know a lot
Ps the new story is tomarry, later on in the story tho

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