[Chapter 1] Spencer Is Back

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Your friend just came back from outer space, your friend Spencer. He was always a prick but he was your friend anyway. He has been up there for a while now, you actually missed him, but now he's back. Apparently he wants revenge and you insisted you tagged along because you haven't seen him in too long. You two walked to the strangers clubhouse, apparently called "The New Kids On The Rock", who were the people who sent him into space. You were actually quite curious as to how you can even send someone to space, Spencer said he was sent through mail, but that doesn't explain much. After chatting and catching him up on everything you've been doing in your life, you reach your destination. You're kind of nervous, and as Spencer goes to ring the doorbell you just stand back. You wonder what kind of people these "New Kids" are, I mean, what kind of person would mail someone to space? Spencer probably deserved it, but still, you can only think of how odd they are. Spencer mentioned their names to you, Neil, Ryan, and Kevin. Speaking of Neil, Ryan, and Kevin, one of those three answered the door. He was tallish and fairly thin, he had kinda long brown hair, well a bit longer than most boys, and a pair of glasses resting on his nose. It was silent for a moment, "How are YOU here? We sent you to space!" the so called New Kid said, and Spencer snarkily replied "They didn't want me, return to sender." The person then swiftly slammed the door shut in Spencer's face. Spencer turned around just to shrug at you, but he did this at quite possibly the worst time ever because immediately after the door was opened again, and before I could even open my mouth the guy from earlier and his two friends tackled Spencer and just started kicking him. Like damn you knew he deserved it but he was getting the shit kicked out of him, you actually felt sorry for him. You had to do something and so you called out "Hey! You pricks better stop kicking Spencer!" and the New Kids stopped and jerked their heads to look at you, it was like something out of a cartoon. It was silent, you felt nervous, everyone (except Spencer because his face is on the ground) was looking at you. Before you knew it they started sprinting at you, you had to act quick, and so you did the first thing you could think of, you fainted. You've always been able to faint on command, and you never knew it would actually ever come in handy, but this time it did.

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