[Chapter 2] New Kids

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NOTES:  Y/N = Your Name              "Italics in quotes" = Thoughts

You've always been able to faint on command, and you never knew it would actually ever come in handy, but this time it did.

"Y/N?" you hear a voice say. You wake up, still on the street. "Y/N, you okay?" Spencer asks you. You are still kinda drowsy and you don't respond. Spencer starts to get pretty worried about you. "Hey, Y/N, you're ok right?" All you can manage to let out is a groan but that's enough to ensure to Spencer that you didn't die. There's a moment of silence before he asks you "Hey, do you need help getting up?" and all you can murmur is a quiet and hardly understandable "Nooo... Just let me lay hereeee..." but Spencer takes it as a yes, you can't even blame him though, you could barely understand yourself. Spencer reaches out a hand and you reluctantly grab it, and as you try to get up and steady yourself you process what was going on. You look around and take in your surroundings, you see Spencer, of course, but you also see the guys from earlier, the ones who kicked Spencer into oblivion. As you regain complete consciousness you realize that they don't look angry, well two of them don't at least, they actually look sorta worried for you, or maybe concerned. For them to be concerned is kind of weird, considering they were going to beat you up, but whatever. The third one looks pissed but he stays silent. You glare at them like a little bitch but a little bitch that could kill someone. After a while of everyone being too scared to say anything, one of them speaks up, the one who looked pissed. "Oh come on! I've always wanted to kill someone without having to go to jail! I thought I finally did it!" He sounds whiney like a child that didn't get what they wanted. You just sigh, your head is throbbing, why did you faint on the cement? You could have tried to faint on the grass. The whiney one continued rambling angrily but you paid no attention to whatever he was saying. "Ryan, that's enough." the one with the glasses said. "So that one's Ryan." you think "What a prick that Ryan guy is..." I mean, he was sad you weren't dead, that's pretty rude. "I'm sorry about Ryan, I hope you aren't too hurt, we couldn't really think at the time, we were really angry." The Glasses man says. Spencer sighed "Y/N why the hell did you faint? You scared me dude!" You think for a bit "Because I didn't want to get beat up so I made myself faint, I mean, did you get kicked after that?" Spencer was obviously a bit pissed, reasonably so "No... I didn't, but you scared the hell out of me man!" "Wait, what do you mean by all that?" the one with the glasses asked. "This should be fun to explain." you thought, "Well I can Faint on Command, and I was so panicked I did the first thing I could think to do, faint." Your voice shook as you tried your best to explain, you were scared in a way. "Oh..." The man with glasses said "Well...um my name's Neil."

You Prick [Spencer x Reader][NKOTR]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang