Part One: A Shattered Past

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      Part One: A Shattered Past

      The young she-wolf ran for her life as the fire engulfed her once safe home. Her mother's cries had long since died as she stumbled towards her pack's border. The once powerful Shadow Pack had been infultrated by a group of rogues who had set fire to their land.

      Damn those rogues. Lunaus thought as she phased into her sleek black wolf. As she crossed the border into unclaimed territory, she felt utterly alone. She didn't have a wolf like the others in her pack. She was one with both her wolf side and her human side. The pack healer said it was a special gift that enabled brilliant strength. What good was that strength now when she could not save a single one from that fire?

      She shook her smooth head as she continued to run; never looking back. She refused to cry as she climbed down the familiar mountains she had once called home. The forests weren't the same as her old territory, yet she pressed on.

      The only things she managed to save were her few belongings. She was going to meet her close friend Fang to go on a week-long hunting trip whenever the fire broke out. Her best friend and future alpha didn't make it to their meeting place. He was running late, and in the end it cost him his life.

     Lunaus' eyes stung as she extended her razor sharp claws deep into the earth as she propeled herself faster through the unknown foliage. She didn't stop until she reached a rocky cliff and belted out her hurt to the world.

      Her howl was the most beautiful mournfilled cry imaginable. It rang of hate, love, and pain. She sang of the kindness of her mother, the protection of her father, the loyalty of her alpha, and the love of Fang. She howled until her throat was raw and she tasted blood in her sore mouth; still she carried on.

      For the next three nights, she sang of her life, her losses, and her loves. She sang of how much in love her mother and father were, of her position of becoming the next Luna someday, even the highly ranked place she was among the precious howlers of the pack. Her life was great, she loved it with all of her heart and soul and wished for it to never end.

      But it did, and it hurt to accept it. She was eighteen years old; mateless, packless, and loveless. It didn't matter how strong she was, or how great of a hunter she was, none of it mattered as she collapsed on that rocky cliff from exhaustion. She didn't want to feel the pain anymore. She wanted it to be over, for her life to be over. That was her last thought before she plummeted into darkness.


      Darkness was all around her. Heat, yes heat too. It was like she was back at her father's forge, listening to the endless sound of the clinking of metal. She could almost smell the raw metals being morphed into incredible things. Swords, daggers, bullets, jewlery; anything you could possibly think of her father could make. That's where she learned to make her weapon; the silver sword.

      Her father had greatly disaproved of the dangerous idea. Silver, as a werewolf's weapon? The damaging element held a great burden over her head as she carefully molded the sword to her liking; ever so cautious not to be cut. The finished product felt like it was born in her hand; moving as one with her body. It turned out a lot better than she had ever expected, and the power it wielded was uncanny.

      She was thrusting it at a worthy opponent when her arm screamed in pain. Her eyes shot open to a bright dawn.


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