Part Three: A Rogue Attack

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Part Three: A Rogue Attack

It was early evening as Lunaus settled in with her friends around a warming fire. Surprisingly, Ventia's young fox and Lunaus' young mountain lion were snuggled together in the new bed Lunaus had bought for the loving wild cat. To think that they were roughly around the same size was unusual for their age difference. Simba was supposed to be much larger than the fox Whiskey, but Lunaus figured he was probably the runt.

Bending down to stroke the kit's head, Lunaus was shocked as Ventia's head shot up. "Rogues." Her friend whispered urgently. Soon enough, Lunaus caught the sound of both pack wolves and rogues fighting by the southern border.

Ventia stood as Vixen ran to the door. "Oh no you don't!" Ventia growled lovingly to the pregnant gamma. "We can't risk losing you." Ventia said more softly, blocking the gamma's way out.

Lunaus looked back and forth between the two she-wolves as she reached for her own blade. "It's okay guys. Ventia you should stay here, make sure Vixen doesn't get any ideas." She said as she smiled at the mischevious Vixen. "I'll go see if the others need any help."

Slipping past Ventia and Vixen, Lunaus made her way through the door and started to run to the border. She hoped that none of the rogues would make it past the border and make their way to Ventia and the pack's prized Vixen.

It didn't take long to reach the border where James, Orfeo, and a wolf Lunaus had yet to meet were battling the large white rogues. There was roughly ten of them, but the rogues had nothing on the pack wolves.

Just as Lunaus came up to the battle, she saw two wolves gang up in the wolf she hadn't met yet and T-bone him against a tree. The impact had knocked him unconscience as his large muscular body slumped to the ground.

Lunaus howled as she launched herself at the first rogue and tumbled to the side with his throat in her fangs. The tearing of its throat prodiced a sickly gurgling sound as she started to claw at his pleading eyes. The rogue was just about dead as the second kicked her off his companion's bloody body; knocking the wind out of her.

She rolled to her paws snarling as he sized her up. He had an easy weight advantage, but she was lighter on her paws than most as she darted forward with claws extended. The wolf easily side-stepped as he tore his claws down her side. Lunaus turned screeching as she barreled into his side.

A yelp came from the wolf's muzzle as she clamped her jaws on his back leg and shook violently. She rolled painfully on the ground as the rogue fell; his blood staining the grass. Tendons and broken bits of bone littered the ground as the white wolf reached for Lunaus' black coat. Growling in hot fury, she let go to meet the wolf's life pumping artery with her razor sharp canines. A loud choking noise erupted from the rogue as a large bubble of blood popped in Lunaus' face.

The smell of death was on her nose as she looked over to where James and Orfeo were taking care of the rest of the intruders then back to the mystery wolf. She needed to get him out of here if he was going to survive; their hyper-active healing powers weren't that quick.

She gingerly lifted the wolf's body onto her back as shivers ran throughout her body. What in the world... She thought as she positioned his body securely between her shoulders. The feeling did not cease as she slowly made her way to her cabin; which was the closest from the border.

Every step was agonizing, but somehow the contact from the male on her back made it bearable. She trudged on as the presence of Orfeo and James grew faint; seeing her cabin in the distance. Approaching her door, she shakily phased and put the male down to unlock the wooden entrance. Holding the wolf the best way she could, Lunaus brought him to lie on her gray and black couch.

Running her fingers through her hair, Lunaus rushed to her bathroom and grabbed several first aid items. She pulled a table close to the shallow breathing wolf and took out a clean clothe and poured some hydrogen peroxide in the wolfe's worst gash across his back. Taking a needle and stitching thread, Lunaus set to work on fixing the wonderful smelling wolf up.

"Fallen leaves and honey..." She trailed off as she took in the males' scent. She was just about finished as the large wolf stirred and phased into a very handsome human. Lunaus purred with delight, but soon blushed as she turned to make a broth for the attractive man to drink.

'He'll need nutrients and some healing herbs pretty quickly.' She thought to herself as she placed a large pot filled with water over a now roaring fire. She sucked on a strip of wolfsbane laced deer jerky trying to get some energy back as a soft murmur came from the fidgeting man.

Lunaus grabbed a wet wash clothe and knealed at the man's side. "Are you alright?" She asked gently. The man's eye lids shuddered as his beautiful blue eyes peeked through their cracks. She didn't have time to react as the man reached out to stroke her face. She shivered at his touch as he croaked out barely intelligable words to her.

"You're you're so beautiful..." His smiled never faded even when another wave of pain rocketed through his body. Lunaus grasped his body as he crashed back down on the cushions.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She asked frantically to the slowly healing wolf in front of her. His nose twitched as his eyes opened again and stared into her very soul. She melted in his eyes as he leaned back up into a sitting position.

His nostrils flared as he whispered to himself. "Blueberries and lilac..." His eyes flickered a deep blue again as he turned his full attention to the woman who stood beside him. Lunaus remained speechless as he smiled even though she felt his pain. "What's your name?" He asked as he bit back another wave of pain.

Lunaus broke their eye contact as she made her way a few steps away to the kitchen. "It's Lunaus. My name is Lunaus." She said unsurely as she ran a washclothe under warm water and grabbed the pot of soup that had been heating up when he had awoken.

Sitting down beside the attractive male, Lunaus slowly tilted the bowl for him to drink. "Here, this will help the healing process." She said as she let her eyes steal quick glances at him. He smiled at her as he caught her in the act.

"My name's Wolfe." He said. Her heart fluttered at his melodic voice and her breathe became quick. Mate. Her body spoke abruptly.

Her body shook with excitement at sudden her discovery, but she did not say a word to this man in front of her. She was estatic that she had found her mate, but would he accept her? She didn't have to say a word as he tilted her head up to meet his eyes; his strength returning. The same amount of love and admiration shone brightly as he leaned in to kiss her lightly on the lips.

As he pulled away, he whispered softly to her blushed face. "I will always love you, like I always have, even before I had found you." Her mind turned to putty at his acceptence of her, she quickly returned the gesture by kissing him back.

"I have waited far too long to find you, and I have loved you all the more with every passing hour." The cabin became quiet as they sat there in each other's arms, swimming in the raw emotion that was love. Finally, she had found her soulmate, the one destined to be hers by fate's design.

Maybe those rogues came here for a reason. She thought as she watched as their bond help speed  the healing process of the injured Wolfe along. Maybe everything happens for a reason...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2012 ⏰

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