Chapter Seventy-Addison

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We had them in the Grand room.

If Kelly took another step, she'd be standing in a pool of blood. Kelly was in tears at this point. Tristan's face made me bare my teeth.

"We're going to die, we're going to die..." Kelly repeated three times fast.

At what point do we stop? Zoey asked worriedly.

I will tell you. Scarlet responded.

"Oh, my God. Tristan, there are the bodies they were talking about." Kelly said, covering her mouth.

"This is some sick party trick," Tristan mumbled, but I could tell he didn't believe his own words. "I bet these wolves aren't even real." His eyes met mine in the dark. Full of fear. But he wouldn't admit it. I acted as if I was going to lunge. He stepped back in fear. Flashbacks of him talking about Mom surged through my mind. It only fueled my anger.

I lunged. The hair stood on the back of my neck. Kelly screamed. I had Tristan pinned to the ground at this point. My teeth were inches from his face. Drool splattered his cheeks.

Addison, what the hell are you doing? Get off him! Zoey screeched.

Something that should have been done a long time ago. But the words that came out weren't in my voice. I recognized it with despair. Sable had gotten inside me.

My paws pressed down on his chest. He was having trouble breathing. I was having trouble escaping.

Sable sang my claws into his skin. He began to scream. He tried grabbing my throat, but I had Sable's strength inside me now.

You will always be stronger than him, Sable said.

Get out of my head! I screamed for mercy.

Scarlet lunged at me, pushing me off. But my body pushed back. I was internally screaming. Sable pushed my head towards his neck sinking my teeth into his flesh and ripping out his throat. The blood filled my mouth. I gained enough control to spit it back out. I shoved my way off his body and collapsed on the floor after trying to regain control. But I had none while I murdered him-no, she murdered him. I wasn't a killer.

Scarlet snapped her fingers, and Kelly disappeared. Tristan's body remained on the floor. The blood didn't go. It won't disappear after what I did.

The silence took over. Nothing but the sound of the grandfather clock ticked in the corner of the room. I took several deep breaths lying on the floor, unable to move. Scarlet was human, so was Zoey, and she couldn't stop staring at his body.

There was no way to make this disappear.

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