016 // star gazing type flicks

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where are the sandwiches?

you mean...you forgot to pack the manly sandwiches?!



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private chat [kiribabey and cutie bun bun]

guess who's at your door?

cutie bun bun
omg idk who?

i have no idea who it could be!

it's me!

cutie bun bun
it's called sarcasm,, kiri

oh, well then.

are u ready?

cutie bun bun


cutie bun bun
i was thinking about what i should wear

i told u to get ready 2 hours ago!

cutie bun bun
u rite butt...

at that time,, i was thinking about how i was gonna do my hair-

well, can you maybe hurry up?

cutie bun bun


cutie bun bun




&& that's on all might😌.

i'm sorry lord y/n *bows

cutie bun bun
it's quite alright, sir peasant...

okay can u just come on....

cutie bun bun
okay okay


after y/n was done getting ready, she looks at herself in the mirror, nodding at her satisfied appearance.

you look..." kirishima was trying his hardest to pout and give off a disgusting face. y/n hung her head low, getting ready to pop kirishima on the forehead. "beautiful!" he was now smiling with cheer and joy.

"oh." y/n hit him upside his head, "don't do that anymore!"

kirishima laughed, interlinking his hand with y/n's, which managed to get her to blush.

"y'know, you're more nicer in person." kirishima said out loud.

"i literally just hit you, but okay." she smiled.

as the two were walking near their destination, they stopped at a near by convient store to get some snacks.

"they only have one left, you can have it y/n." kirishima insisted.

"no, you take it. we have more snacks anyway." y/n said.

"no, it will be unmanly."

"then let's share it, i got some ziplock baggies." she said as she put it on the counter. kirishima paid, and held the bag full with goodies.

as the two made their way to an open field, y/n pulled out her blanket from the basket that kirishima held.

y/n went through the picnic basket to find the sandwiches. "kirishima..."

"yeah bae?" he answered.

"where are the sandwiches?" she asked.

"you mean...you forgot to pack the manly sandwiches?!"

"you were the one that packed the basket, kirishima!" she shouted, "how could you forget the most important thing on this date?!"

harsh. kirishima thought. "i thought you were suppose to make them!"

she sighed, "it's fine, we still got the snacks. wait, did you bring the manly juices?"

"yup." kirishima responded

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