The wedding

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You were a bridesmaid. The first one and you were paired up with none other than Shoto. Lucky you....
You walked down the aisle arm and arm as you went to your places Todoroki couldn't help but glance at you as you kept your eyes away from him. His beautiful calm face gave you so much pain.

Finally your friend yuri and the number one hero kissed and was now happily married. You smiled as you clapped wondering if you would ever be the one to get married. You ignored the thought as you saw Todoroki approach you. You tensed up slightly but then sighed remembering his rejection.
"(y/n)...uh, you look amazing" he says awkwardly. You starred and smile slightly.
"You look handsome as well"you nod as you avoided eye contact.
"Listen about that day-"
"(y/n)!" A voice called. You turned to do toshi walking over with a smile.
"H-how did you get invited -"
" Yuri invited me at the last second to keep you company "he says eyeing the duel haired hero with a slight glare. Unlike toshi, Shoto showed complete annoyance.
" U-uh, thanks "you smiles not noticing the dark tension.
"Would you care to dance"toshi bows. You frowned you wanted to know what he had to say.
" Shoto -"
"I'll take the next one"Shoto says softly. You smile up at him as you could see the kindness in his eyes holding back the urge to freeze the male you slowly took your waist and lead you to the dance floor.
"Glad I saved the day"
"He was going to say something -"
"He could have hurt you again, I can see what type of person he is"he says. "Just by the way he looks at you please trust me, your best friend"
You listened but didn't focus your thoughts wondered off to Deku and yuri who were talking to there parents.
It was adorable Izuku looked so nervous and yuri's father laughs as he pats his shoulder. Her mother wasn't available in person instead a chair that was reserved to honor her mother a hero who died three years ago.
The song ended as toshi held an angered look.
"(y/n), you didn't listen to me"he frowns. You blinked confused.
"What? "
"What was the last thing I said"
"Please trust me"you responded nervously. You felt the grip of his hand tighten on your waist and wrist.
"No I asked if You would -"
"I believe it is my turn"says a calming voice from behind. Toshi looked up with a glare as shoto held a small smirk. You felt your face warm as you felt his hand gently grab your waist as toshi's rough grip disappear as a cold gentle one lightly pulled you to shoto. He spun you around so you could face him. The dance was silent and so comfortable.
"About that day...."he starts. Your heart ached as you looked at him.
"I hesitated and I was afraid of being hurt"he mumbled. "I was also afraid of villains getting to you and doing horrible things"
You felt a sense of joy and satisfaction as you danced.
"(Y/n) I understand if you say no but I won't stop trying to steal your heart again"he says his face coming closer to yours. You move your face away from him.
"First....I want complete honesty....and I will be honest too "you said. Shoto nods
"What is it you want to know?"he said confused. You cautiously place your hand on his scar.
"This"you said softly. Shoto leans to your touch as he sighs.
"Fair..."he says with a soft smile. Satisfied you peck his cheek and smile as the dance continued.

Soon the wedding ends and shoto offered a ride since you went with yuri.
"(Y/n)"toshi says walking over. "Your seriously going to forgive him-"
"Toshi not now"you sigh
"No I can't stand to see you in pain-"
"Toshi please"you beg cupping his cheek. "I know you don't like this but I really feel like he's the one"you smile. Toshi frowns looking away.
You give him a sad smile as shoto ushered you to his car feeling bad for toishi.

Toshi watched you leave as tea tears fell from his face. He really did love you and he wanted to protect you from people like shoto popular and over the top gorgeous but also most likely fake.

"What if I'm the one...."

Burning passion (adult Todoroki x adult reader)SLOW UPDATESDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora