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<Dusk's POV>

/System_Startup Initiated 

/ . . .

/All_Systems Online

I let out a small sigh as my optics powered back on and my eyes opened. The lights in the room were off.

I sat up and get out of the bed, I suppose it was nice.

Out of a random impulse I stretched my arms and wings a bit. "What..Did..Why?" I murmured before shrugging it off. It's probably nothing. I walked over to the bedroom's door and opened it.

"Good morning, Dusk" Dr. Lucas said, he smiled at me, I smiled a tiny bit back.

"So, did you sleep well?" he asked. I shrugged in response, I wasn't really sure. "Well, either case I have something for you. Something we got from another world to help unsure your survival in other Universes" he said as he took something out of his lab-coat.

I looked down at it. A small drone-thing. It's small blue eye lit up after a second.

It floated up and over to me.

(Quick A/N: At the time of making this chapter, Wattpad thought it would be funny to not let me upload a pic here, so I'll leave the link to the pic here. https://i2.wp.com/plumigaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/destiny-ghost-concept-art.jpg?resize=1020%2C574&ssl=1 )

"Hello!" it said in a friendly tone. "Hi?" I responded, a little confused. "I am a Ghost, I will be a aid to you" it said. I nodded a bit.

"I'll tell you what I can do, y'know, when you want to hear it" Ghost said. "Ok, maybe later?" I said, Ghost nodded and de-materialised, I looked around, confused. 'Don't worry, I'm still here with you' He said in my head. 

After a few minutes Dr. Lucas took me to a lab to experiment with my ability to shift between Universes. I went to so many strange places. A lush forest, a dark desert, a moon. A dark, twisted reality. And other places like worlds of stone cubes, but with vines and metal. Worlds where a spherical god kept a city where the last of Humanity remained. And many other Universes. It was all strange. And all interesting.

When I got back to my Universe I heard something drop onto the floor next to me. I looked and saw a white crystal shard, it was a bit big.

Curious, I crouched down and picked it up. It was at least the same length of a typical pistol. 'Oh, a shard from the Traveller!' Ghost said in my head. 'It's what created me, and if we kept it on us, our power would be more!' He excitedly said.

'If you say so' I responded in my head.

I gave the shard to the scientists, who would cut it so I would have a piece. Then they would test on the original.

The day went how days will most likely go from now on, do combat and mobility training. Do tests. Experiments and other things. As the middle of the day hit I felt...Tired. Why do I feel tired? I'm a machine! Why am I even getting agitated?! I'm not meant to feel emotion!

I re-opened my eyes. I was on the floor?

"Are you alright?" I heard Ghost say, he was floating in the air above me, looking down at me. Dr. Lucas was also looking down at me with Dr. Alex.

I got to my knees, then onto my feet. "Yeah. I'm fine" I...Lied? Why did I just lie? Why did I feel that I had to? "No, your not. You just fell to the floor and remained there nearly perfectly still while muttering to yourself" Dr. Alex said.

What would they do if they found out about my thoughts?

"Am...I meant to feel things?" I asked in a tone that I cringed at. It was too..Human, I'm a machine, I'm not meant to feel. Right?

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