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<Dusk's POV>

/System_Startup Initiated

/ . . .

/All_Systems Online

My eyes opened and I glanced around, right. I'm not at home. I'm in Berk. Wait I don't even have a home...

I went to get up when I felt something hold me down, I looked and saw Hiccup asleep with his arms wrapped around me. My eyes widened a bit. And I felt something, deep down. A strange warm feeling deep inside.

'Guardian? Did you sleep well?' Ghost asked. 'Y-Yeah' I responded. 'Is something wrong?' Ghost asked. 'Well..H-He's hugging me in his sleep...Is this something Humans do?' I asked. 'Well, Humans don't normally sleep with another unless they are lovers, or some other reason. So it's uncommon for friends to sleep together, especially if they've known someone for a day' Ghost explained.

I looked at Hiccup, he looked so peaceful. I smiled a little and wrapped my arms around him. Being careful to not crush him. Though I'm probably not strong enough to do it.

Someone walked up the stairs and one of my lazer-weapon arm-back-mounts activated and took aim. "Easy there, son" Stoic said. I sighed and retracted the arm-mount. "Sorry" I responded. "It's alright, did you sleep well?" Stoic asked.

"I...Suppose...I'm n-not really able to feel tired..Sometimes, so I can't tell..I feel a bit better though" I responded.

"I..Guess that's good then. Just remember if you need anything let me know" Stoic said. I nodded and he left.

'Ghost?' 'Yeah?' 'Can you get me a list of what does and doesn't work?' I requested. 'Sure thing' He responded before giving me a list of what didn't work. 'Ok, good to know. Thank you' I told him.

After a moment I could hear a yawn. I looked down and saw Hiccup waking up. "Good morning. Hiccup. D-Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Mornin'..Yeah I did, thanks" He responded with a smile. I smiled back. 

"Did you?" He asked. "I-I...Suppose..I don't know. I just feel better..I..Guess" I responded. Hiccup looked at me confused.

"Unlike you humans, or any organic being. I cannot feel tired very well. So I can't give a certain answer" I told him. 

After a moment of looking into eachother's eyes I looked away, the feeling back and my face felt warm. "S-So...C-Could you maybe s-show me around?" I asked..Why am I stuttering?...My voice box isn't damaged. Is it?

"Sure thing, but we should probably find a way to hide..All..That" Hiccup said, gesturing to my metal plating. That's probably a good idea..I mean I'm something that they've never seen before..It will be for the best until my existence is announced. 

"You just gestured to all of me" I sighed. Hiccup got up and looked around before grabbing a cloak like Stoic's and passed it to me. It would be big enough to hide me. I got up, stumbling a bit. I then put the cloak on after putting mine on and pulled my hood up.

"How..Do I look?" I asked. "You look good..I guess" Hiccup responded. "Thanks" I responded. 

Hiccup then took me outside and showed me around Berk. It was amazing. It was interesting. Too. 

Though I had a strange feeling in my chest mid-way through so I took Hiccup's hand as if by a instinct.

Hiccup looked at me. "Something wrong?" He asked, I let go of his hand. "S-Sorry" I stuttered out. "No no..It's fine" He responded with a smile. I smiled a bit. "So?" He asked. 

"I...I just feel...Strange.." I answered. "How so?" Hiccup asked. "I-I don't know...I just...Feel..Weird....C-Can I hold your h-hand?" I asked.

"U-Um...Sure" Hiccup responded and held his hand out. I gently took it and smiled. I felt..Strange..It was a nice strange though. 

Soon we reached the blacksmith and I got a idea. What about if I replaced my damaged and ruined plating with ones custom made here? I'll ask later.

<Hiccup's  POV>

As I shown Dusk around I noticed he was getting a bit nervous. "Hey..Dusk, wanna head back now or maybe wanna relax somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah..Let's head back" He responded. I nodded and lead him back to my hut. Once inside he took the two cloaks off and we went upstairs and sat on my bed.

"So....What did you think?" I asked. "It's amazing" He responded with a smile. "Glad you think so" I said, smiling.

After a moment I looked away and felt a weight against me. I looked to Dusk and saw him resting against me, his head on my shoulder. I felt my face heat up a bit. I smiled and wrapped a arm around him.

"So..Dusk, what's your home like?" I asked.

He looked at me and tilted his head a bit. "Home?" He repeated, confused. "Yeah..Uh...Where you live. The place you..Belong I guess" I explained. 

Dusk thought about it for a moment. "I...Don't have a home" he said.

"You don't?" "No. I don't. I was built in a base. Where only my basic functions can be maintained, and I was to stay there. I was not intended to live a normal life. I was built for missions" He responded.

"Well..If you want, this place can be your home" I offered with a smile. "Really?" He asked. I nodded in response. He smiled and hugged me. "Then..Thank you. Hiccup" he said. I wrapped my arms around him.

"No problem, Dusk" I responded, smiling.

We stayed like that for a bit before we let go of eachother. "So..Dusk, you feel like doing anything?" I asked. "I..." He paused before shrugging. "I don't know..This is all..New to me" He responded.

"Well...Everything is.." He added.

"Wanna just relax?" I asked, he nodded. I had him lay on my lap on his stomach and I moved a hand to his head and started to pet him. He closed his eyes and relaxed.

After a bit of petting, he started to pet out a metallic purr-like sound, it sounded a bit like the noise Toothless makes when pet.

"I take it you like this?" I asked. Dusk nodded, smiling..He's..Kind of cute.

After a bit I moved so I was laying on the bed, Dusk then moved so he's laying next to me. I wrapped a arm around him and pulled him close. He wrapped a arm around me. I felt my face flush again.

<Dusk's POV>

I feel...Strange..But whatever it is...It feels nice.

'Ghost..Are you there?' I asked in my head. 'Yeah? What's up?' He asked. 'I...What is this feeling?' I asked.

'Hmm...If I'm correct..It's love' Ghost responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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