Advice for RainDropEnt

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(Non anime people please ignore the picture, I just love Hinata)

So, hi! After reading your messages I must say, wow that was a lot. Personally I don't have experience with age differences but I can tell you, for a fact, the age difference is a problem. You and him are both in VERY different points in your lives. This isn't like a 25 yr old and a 27 yr old. He would probably be in highschool, thinking about the future, you and him are at very different places. I know sometimes it may seem not that but if a deal, but, it is and you have to except that.

About the friend you mentioned, sometimes it's just inevitable. You should just straight up ask her if she likes him or not. Adding to that, make sure you build this friendship between you and him until you are comfortable calling him one of your best friends. If not, it gets really awkward. I have personal experience too. I liked this guy and we were the bestest of friends. We liked to text a lot and it was never awkward, I told him I liked him, he said he didn't, and we were both very chill and kept hanging out even after that happened. So make sure you two are close.

As a summary of what I said, think twice about the age difference, build the friendship, and just do it casually when you're comfortable. I know it may seem like the end of the world when he says no or everything becomes awkward, but it isn't. You're very young (younger than me even) so you have plenty of time to find nice boys (or girls, I'm not trying to assume).

You can come to me if you need anything! Xx

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